It sounds very interesting, though!
Zed Hanok
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I’m planning on an engine with an API using Python’s FastAPI – it generates murder mystery plot elements, clues, descriptions, and stuff like that. It would be used as a backend for any number of games in different settings.
Also, I hope it can generate the same data in at least a couple different forms: (a) JSON data for further use in the game MVC Controller, or (b) a text description on the clue, location, item, etc.
I’m mostly interested in the backend to games, not a full game. I might make it more sophisticated or have a simple game frontend, if I have time.
The only things missing from this being PERFECTO is:
- sword fighting (like in Sid Meyer’s Pirates! or Prince of Persia)
- bullwhip attack (like in Zorro–the DOS one that was a clone of Prince of Persia)
- and grapple-cable swing (like Bionic Commando)
I wouldn’t mind doing those myself, if I ever need them! If I make ‘em, I’ll send them your way! :D
You could try Krita software or online clone of Photoshop–both are free and should work okay. I hope.