checked it holy shit Gunnar stop making me want you more
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oh the reason behind no rollback is cheating in fights, i do it all the time in other games that allow it lol.
if we had rollback we could just reroll fights until the enemy does literally nothing to us lmao.
also prolly to prevent issues with certain choices that are unchangeable, if we can rollback it might need more preventative measures to prevent us from trying to actually change said choice.
where did you get the people to invite from? in game or the update notes? also just in case you missed something I'm asking the next questions cause I'm entirely lost on literally any other solution or explanation.
did Feliar join your opponent or stay with you and have you spoken to him if he was on your side? have you done the solider event with Everett that lets you feed the soliders and him? are the lizards corrupted or cleansed? did you choose the main enemy at the end of the orc questline or stay on the side of the orc tribe, and is your Logan bottom or top?
I don't think it's likely since it would cut into content because Hyao would have to add in voices every update and he.... he writes a lot. (not a complaint) having to wait for a voice actor to record all the dialog could take a long time and it would prolly cut into updates MASSIVELY and cause extreme delays lol.
it's less bring back and more make it so they never died in the first place lol.
and on the second question, yes and maybe. the maybe is cause I have no idea about finding notes and learning new tricks, but I am certain we will learn more on the beastmaster since they've been being foreshadowed for so long and they might be the answer to a lot of our problems or at least a way to explain why some of them happened and how to prevent it from happening again.