Dude, take the time you need, dont apologise for what you cant control, if people think you need to apologise, they need to learn to be better people, otherwise you might as well apologise for the apocalypse :P. get well soon.
Recent community posts
Either talk her down, or persuade the queen. i personally think the line of "There are people that love and need me, like your subjects love and need you, I cant abandon them, and when i was brought here it wasnt with the knowledge that it would be for eternity." would be at the least enough to make her second guess her own assumptions of the mc.
I was surprised about inny for sure, but when i thought about it, it all made sense to me
What i feel is missed is however, is that by this time the protag has other people that need them, (i mean what are the chances you go through the entire succubus route before cassie fawn or bell) and that by vanishing from their lives, they will be hurting them.
also what i feel is missed is your status as a succubus, no other succubus or incubus comments on their new compatriot that somehow wasnt when they met them, no other benefits or rights are granted to the protag that would usually be kept from an outsider, and none of the companions even react to this new development, and although i chalked this down to "to be implemented in a later update", i certainly hope that there will be SOME change that can only be afforded to the player after overcoming the challenge other than "one extra battle move that is eclipsed simply by spending three irl hours grinding strength"
the potion of fox keen is just a LITTLE
and by a little i mean alot
too confusing
as far as i can tell i gotta grind plat ignite brim/heat brim, now heres this kicker, add mixture/add brimstone /add platinum, then cool mixture, dissolve antimony add mixture/add antimony,
then grind zinc heat zinc cool zinc, and then add mixture/add zinc
too many permutations to go through, like the space rae code that as far as i can tell shows up literally nowhere.... grrrr...
like when is it add mixture or add the thing you just worked on?
or maybe cool the plat add ingnited brim, or heated brim, like cmon, its nearing the hundreds of combinations. dont make the player brute force something. and reading it out as simple as possible isnt the solution, so anything after that is already convoluted, and its just a guessing game as to how convoluted you wanted it to be, rather than getting the answer
if i go with the rule of, always ad mixture to the ingredient i was just working with, it doesnt work, if i always go with the rul of adding current worked ingredient to mixture, that doesnt work, and if you require adding an ingredient before its processed then youre just being unfair, or if you que up all the processing that is also unfair
like grind plat grind zinc heat zinc cool zinc dissolve antimony ignite brim add plat cool mixture add antimony add zinc
or if you have to dissolve antimony before cooling mixture and then adding it rather than cooling mixture dissolve antimony add mixture
it was the "dissolve antimony" being before cooling the mixture, mfer
Bell is stuck in the temple and the door the neko says youre supposed to just enter doesnt open and so im stuck in the temple with literally nothing i can do
finally, upon doing ng+ theres a person in the room beneath the neko that tells you to enter a room, that isnt there for some reason on my normal save, so that saves fucking busted.....