Fixed, thank you! (and sorry!)
Silky Smooth Studio
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hi everyone!
So... we are finally on Greenlight!
With this, we bring you a new BIG update with new art. We still have to change a lot but we are on our way!
If you could help us voting for the game it would really help us!
Hope you like the last version and if you have any issues don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Hello, everyone!
We delayed a bit with this update but it is because we are rushing mostly for three new scenes for the game. We are remaking all the scenarios of the game to have a quality jump in the art aspect.
For this update, we bring to you a lot of balance updates, a skill rework, and many bug fixes. Hope you find them cool!
Other than that, if you find any bug or have any thoughts about the game, don't hesitate in telling us!
-Now the AI has a wider range of skills to pick.
-Now the AI doesn't attack if enemies are dead.
-Added chromatic aberration when characters recieve damage.
-Now, when playing 1 vs 1, your min life is even lower.
-Now, the walls that where "Graves" can't be destroyed.
-Sonic Blast has new graphics.
-Fixed a bug where Overwhelming Force would start at 100% of charge.
-Fixed a bug where Overwhelming Force would stay when changing scene.
-Fixed a bug where Corded Blades would stay when changing scene.
-Fixed a bug where Crystal Saw trail wouldn't reset.
-Fixed a collider position in Caelestian base that let characters go through the wall.
-Fixed some performance issues.
-Fixed some character animations control. (Though it will be replaced when we have new animations).
Link to the game:
In Witchcraft you will be able to create your own character configuration and fight against your friends, or AI, in 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 2 battles. The way you customize your character and the way you manage yourself in the battlefield, will have huge consequences in leading you to victory or defeat.
Forge your own character
- Pick 4 spells from a total of 18 unique spells.
- Combine their powers to get an advantage over your enemies.
- Synergyze your skills with your partner´s in 2 vs. 2 combat
- Go full melee, range, support or even combine them to make unique fighting strategies.
Control, dominate & destroy
- Battle 1 vs. 1 or team up for a 2 vs. 2 battle.
- Use your support skills to control your enemy movement.
- Cast ranged spells to attack from a safe position or run towards your enemy to deal massive damage with melee magic.
- Place yourself wisely in the battlefield to destroy your enemy's base without getting killed.
- Become the most skillful and smartest player.
Pick four skills from a total of eighteen unique skills. Each skill you pick, will have synergy with the other ones so choose wisely. Also, to make your character more customizable, each skill will have two attributes to pick from. These attributes will help you maximize your strategy in order to make the most out of your character.
When battling you will use the strategy you had planned but bare in mind that yours will be against your enemy strategy. Also, not everything is strategy, you will also assert yourself by your skills and fast reaction to defeat your enemy.
The battles will be of 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 2. Both teams will start in the middle of the arena and will make their way through to the other's base by killing their enemies.
Once you defeat the enemy team, you move forward to the opposing base where you will have to re-plan your strategy, with the skills you already have, in order to destroy it and win the game.
Hello, everyone! We had been implementing some fixes in order to start cleaning errors. If you find any bug please tell us so we can take care of it.Also, we had been in touch with musicians to have our own OST. We are looking forward to having in the next updates some new music.
At the moment, our artist is working in a new scenario that is going to replace the actual one. Currently, he is working at the center of it, making the textures, we will be adding it as soon as we have the three parts done.
And for last, we plan to start making the art rework of the skills. So the next updates will start having visual skills reworks.
If you have any suggestions don't hesitate in telling us!
-When using keyboard controller, if you keep pressing right click, the character will follow the mouse.
-Fixed Ethereal Dive bug where you would go through walls.
-Now you can't start a game if there aren't at least one player per team.
-Fixed canvas issues that made some text not readable.
-When using keyboard controller, now when you use dash, you don't return to your last point if you don't right click it.
Hi everyone!
We made a lot of changes to the keyboard & mouse controls. Now you should be able to play a lot easier than before. Nevertheless, we didn't implement a help to teach you how to play with it. So, for now, I thought it was a good thing to keep having here a sort of tutorial.
Here are the controls:
In menu:
- Move with the arrows
- Select with Return
- Go back with Escape
- Remove option with Backspace
- Q to add Terram bot, E to add Caelestian bot, Z to remove Terram bot and C to remove Caelestian bot
During combat:
- Move using right click with your mouse
- Aim with your mouse
- Fire skills with Q, W, E and R
- Dash with Spacebar or with left click of your mouse
- Pause with Escape
Thanks a lot for playing Witchcraft and hope you have fun!
We had implemented some better controllers for keyboard & mouse users. Also, we implemented a language system (for the moment you can set English or Spanish) and fixed a bug.
We will be trying to add more languages and also it would help a lot if you tell us any bug you find.
Thanks a lot for your time.
-Added language support. For the momment it has english and spanish.
-New keyboard & mouse controls
-Fixed Mjolnir's Call's video wasn't showing up
Hi! First of all, sorry that Witchcraft doesn't have a smooth way to play with a keyboard yet. The game was meant to be played with gamepads originally but now we are looking forward to adding the keyboard as an option.
For now, and just, for now, the game doesn't explain how to play with keyboard or the controls aren't the best ones. We invite you to give us your opinion on which is the best way to set up the keyboard controls in order to give a great experience to our players.
Having said that, here are the actual controls:
In menu:
- Move with the arrows
- Select with Return
- Go back with Escape
- Remove option with Backspace
- Q to add Terram bot, E to add Caelestian bot, Z to remove Terram bot and C to remove Caelestian bot
During combat:
- Move WASD
- Aim with the arrows
- Fire skills with 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Dash with Spacebar
- Pause with Escape
Thanks a lot for playing Witchcraft and hope you have fun!