I’m so happy you’re enjoying it!
Wilkie's Candy Lab
Creator of
Recent community posts
Absolutely! Use any/all mechanics, with my blessing. And hey, consider popping by the Wilkie's discord. Lots of hackers there who'd be excited to chat. https://discord.gg/7YfeDmNErx
There is! (I thought I put it on the itch page but it looks like I forgot to!)
Come on in!
Hi Card! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it.
-So for a braid your “smallest” die (the one with the fewest sides, like your d4 typically ) has to have a result higher than the results on your bigger dice (the ones with more sides, like your d12 for example). So a Braid-3 might be something like: d4=4, d6=1, d12=2. A braid-4 might be something like d6=5, d8=4, d10=1, d12=1. See? The big dice need to roll lower than the small dice.
-No, your temp HP don’t transfer. Only scars can start you with extra hp, I’m afraid.
-I’m not sure but I know some other folks on the discord have been… puzzled by it as well. Might be worth asking there.
Happily and always. Kids eat free at Wilkie's Candy Lab. Email me! [email protected]
Hello! No problem. Shoot me an email at [email protected] and I'll get you that PDF.
It seems like it's stuck like that no matter which color I pick, and even when I remove my custom CSS (which I'll include below just to be thorough).
.right_col.column { visibility: hidden; height: 0px; } .wrapper { background-position: bottom;} .responsive .inner_column { max-width: 500px; padding-right: 3%; padding-left: 3%; padding-top: 3%} .header.has_image img { display: inline-block; max-width: 93%;
Please email a picture of a cute animal to [email protected]. A Wilkie's representative will be in touch.
Hi Benji! Changes in the hardcover/GotY Edtion are: 1) solo rules, 2) one additional fake ad 3) 6 extra pages of art 4) a reworked Attitude ability for The Smarts 5) minor typo fixes. The extra art is from the awesome poster-maps we made for the GotY box edition.
All extra content will also be in the 1.3 update to the PDF, which previous owners get free. :)
Hello! Yes, lets sort that out for you! No sweat. Can you email me at [email protected]?
Update: You can pre-order the new print now! Shipping summer 2024 :)http://slugblaster.com/
I signed my wife up for this secretly a few Christmasses ago and it was a huge hit that has become a legend in our household. Highly recommended. Now she expects me to do something similar each year, but I haven't been able to find anything quite this immersive.
If you ever make another one of these, William, I will be your first customer!
Yep! We just got the pre-launch page up! Go to http://slugblaster.com/ and you can get on the email list.
Ah that's no good! K, similar things have happened to a couple people using certain pdf readers. Check if your reader needs an update, or check it in another reader/browser and let me know! I'm trying to figure out why this happens. PDF's are weird.
But I'm so glad you're enjoying it! That makes me really happy.