Hey, thanks so much for commenting!
You made some really good points here. I'd love to apply your advice but unfortunately I decided to scrap the Memory and the puzzle from the game's future releases altogether, a few months ago. It was just too much of a headache to fix, and sadly I realized the character doesn't really fit into the main story of the official demo I'm working on. The current version of the game with the puzzle will still be available, it just doesn't seem like it can feasibly be included in any future releases. Maybe if there's a bigger demand for the puzzle to be fixed I can reconsider, but for now I'm working hard on other aspects of the game.
Thanks again! The Discord is over here if you wanna join btw https://discord.gg/QCTvFpYE