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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the heads up. I cross referenced with an older version of the system and confirmed that the skills didn't used to be duplicated. Meaning it is likely a bug introduced when the system migrated NPC skills to the new model. I'll work on a update to fix the skill duplication on all the NPCs (and de-wimpify the barbarian). 

Just released an update that adds dynamic token support. (Among a handful of other things). Enjoy!

Thanks for furnishing me with a place to start with dynamic tokens.

It isn't quite how I intended it to look but I actually don't hate the results for the Toggle Crew Token Art on dynamic tokens. It's a bit busier than intended. But it does work okay with the dynamic token ring. And either the frame or the ring could be changed to clash less. Maybe I'll ship a blank frame for those who just want the ring, and folks who just want the frame can turn off the ring.

At the moment I don’t know enough about how involved providing dynamic token support will be make any promises, but I’ll investigate what I have to do on my end to make it work. 

Fixed in the latest update (which also adds an optional art mapping for Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery, which is why it took so long)

Thanks so much for the kind words. Volume 2 is in progress!

It’s slow going as I’ve got job and an infant eating up a lot of my free time, but I’m slowly building NPCs for it

Thanks for the report! I’ll add it to my list of things to correct in the next update.

We got a stable release for the PF2e system, and there weren't too many things that broke that needed to be fixed. A version 12 compatible release is now out.

As there's been some changes to token rendering it isn't backwards compatible with v11.

I typically wait for the first stable release of the PF2e system for a new foundry version before I start work on compatibility. 

The system is currently at beta 3 so it depends on how long it takes to get out of beta and how many breaking changes I have to fix. 

(1 edit)

Fantasy Forgeworks on the list of patron supported artists is AI generated art that is hand edited. Which seems against the spirit of the list if nothing else. 

From their patreon about page: “Notice: The artwork on this page is created with the help of creative software powered by machine-learning. However, each piece of art is further refined and improved by me to ensure the best possible quality.”

To be clear I’m not casting blame, I adore and appreciate this resource and just wanted to ensure that you’re informed. 

Hello Raybaker, 

Thanks for the report, unfortunately I'm going to need a little more information to be able to replicate your issue. 
Firstly what version of Foundry (for example Version 11 build 315) the PF2e System (for example 5.13.6) and the module (for example 3.0.5) are you using?

I've attempted to replicate your bug locally and regardless of whether the token is linked or unlinked or if I open it through the token or directly from the actor tab I'm not encountering issues. So I first want to confirm that we're on the same versions of all the component software.

Secondly, I'd some details about the steps you've taken when encountering the bug. My presumption is that the process you followed went something like follows: 1) Import the Occultist [6] from the module into your foundry actor's tab. 2) edit the name/any abilities/spells/skills you wanted onto the character. 3) add artwork 4) place the NPC token 5) open the sheet from the token and encounter errors. Does that sound about right? Have you run any macros that target the actor?

Thirdly, are you able to reproduce this error if you import a new copy of the Occultist [6] from the module, and place it down as a token? If yes, are you able to replicate the error with a different NPC from the module. If the answer is again yes, are you able to replicate the error with an NPC from the base foundry system (and not the mercenary marketplace module).

Hopefully we can track down the cause of the bug quickly and get things sorted for you. 


It's all good. The report is still very much appreciated. I love knowing folks are using my work.

I've released an update several minutes ago which should fix this :D

The version 11 compatible release of Mercenary Marketplace is now out.

Unless I find any showstopping bugs, Monday. I’m about 90% done with the updates/testing, but don’t expect to have any time to work on it today. 

I’ve got 1 macro left to test/update, a handful of links to reformat and I need to check the templates to make sure none of the rule elements are misbehaving on PF2e 5.0.1

As for adjusting the compatibility manually, the module didn’t have too many issues on v11. You will encounter warnings on the startup screen about private being deprecated in v11, however the functionality is staying until v13 so they’re warnings that can safely be ignored (and I’ve already fixed in my pending update). A significant portion of the work I’ve been doing  updating it has been taking advantage of the new database features (compendium folders!!) Although every macro except the spell list generator will be slightly broken. 

Oops! The Orc ancestry was added to celebrate the announcement of the ORC license and I must have missed setting up those links, thanks for point it out! I’ve got an update in the works to fix a few bugs so I’ll be sure to properly link up the heritages in the update.

No real news on Volume 2, I wrote a lot of Volume 1 while unemployed and progress has been a lot slower trying to fit it in around a job. The upcoming remaster also has me reconsidering a bunch of content. I suspect I’ll end up packaging some of the stuff I’ve been working on into a couple smaller releases. 

I’ve recorded all the changes here, very minor changes with this patch. Just cleaning things up before the big update to v10z

I’ve responded to your email and so apologize for what will be a double reply, but I’m going to include the pertinent part of the answer here so anyone else in a similar situation can benefit.  

The optimal solution to this problem is to contact the FoundryVTT team while logged into the account with the misapplied license using the contact us form on their website ( Explain the situation and provide them the account you want to code transferred to and they should be able to get you sorted out. 😊

Hello Arkindred, looks like it won't be terribly long wait. The publishing department just approved my title on DriveThru. Here is the link.

As you surmised, DriveThru does take a significantly larger cut (35% vs 10%), which is why the module is listed at $12 there to help compensate for that lost revenue.

I'm glad you were able to get the erroneously billed amount returned. If DriveThru RPG works better for you I'm in the process of getting the product set up for sale there and it should materialize sometime in next 1-5 days, or we could arrange something directly though PayPal if you'd still like to purchase a copy of the module and would prefer not to wait.

I'm sorry the store was a bad experience for you.

Hello Arkindred, apologies for the delay addressing your issues, unfortunately with timezones I was asleep when you sent your message.

I'd like to help you get this sorted out. My first thought was I that could simply refund the extra purchases and we could get things sorted out that way. However, when I went to the payment management tab, I could not find any transactions linked to your account. Meaning, whatever issue caused the erroneous transactions also prevent me from receiving them, consequently I have no power to refund them. This might also explain why you never received an email with your copy of the download, as Itch failed to properly complete the transaction.

Given that I can't access your erroneous payments to put this to right, you'll need to contact support at [email protected] to have them reverse the charges and they can hopefully help you out with determining the root cause of the issue. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you both for you patience. I've discovered the root cause of the issue. doesn't include external keys with their free community copies system. 
For anyone who encounters this issue in future, just know that there will be a delay in the receipt of keys as I need to send them out manually.

I'm going to get in touch with the staff to see if I can track down the root cause of this issue. However, in the meantime if you can send me an email to [email protected] from the email address you purchased the module with, I'll email you a copy of your key.

Understood. Thanks for going through the troubleshooting steps with me, I'll have to get in touch with the staff to figure out what might be causing the issue. This is my first time selling anything on so its all new to me. It looks like most people have been able to get their key alright, based on conversations I've there is clearly something going wrong with your download page.

If you can send me an email to [email protected] from the email address you purchased the module with, I'll email you a copy of your key.

Based on the colour scheme, and slightly different layout, I'm wondering if it is taking you to a different page than the one I intend.
At the top of your page you should see a You own this game message (pictured below), along with a download button. If you click that button does it take you to a page that looks more similar to the one I posted above? 

The download page should look somewhat akin to this example from the website, with the Claim Steam Key section replaced with a Get Other Key section. If it looks otherwise, let me know and we I can try and get in touch with staff and see if they can figure out what's causing your issue.'s purchase dialog

(2 edits)

How do I install Mercenary Marketplace Volume 1?
On the download page for your module, click on the Get Other Key button above to acquire your FoundryVTT premium content key.

Once you have your key, navigate to and log in. After you have logged in, click on your username in the top right corner to navigate to your User Profile page, and select Purchased Content from the options on the left. At the top you should now see a field to enter the premium content key you acquired from, after which you can press the activate content button to permanently link your license to your FoundryVTT account.

Once the above steps are complete, if you boot up your Foundry instance and navigate to the Add-on Modules tab in the Configuration and Setup pane, and click the Install Module button you will find the PF2e Mercenary Marketplace Volume 1 module listed under the Premium Content modules. Click the install button, and allow the installation to complete before launching your Foundry World. It may take sever Once you are inside your Foundry World you will need to activate the module by navigating to the settings tab, selecting Manage Modules, and ensuring that PF2e Mercenary Marketplace Volume 1 is checked off from the Module Management list, then save your module settings. If you encounter any issues please reach out to me either on, or on the Foundry VTT discord server and I'd be happy to assist you.

What is included with my purchase?
You receive a premium content key for FoundryVTT that allows you to install the module, as well as a copy of the cover image. There is no PDF for Mercenary Marketplace Volume 1 at this time.

Does the module include any artwork for the NPCs?
The module has no art at this time.

I claimed a free community copy but I can't find my key?
Itch doesn't allow me to automatically distribute keys with free copies, it only automatically distributes them with the paid copies. Please email [email protected] using the same email you've used for the account and I'll email your foundryVTT premium content key.