Thank you so much! I’m glad you appreciated the turtle-petting action. I’m sorry about the giant snail incident.
Devin Spikowski
Creator of
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You definitely captured the addictive gameplay of Vampire Survivors here!
The turn-based mechanic fits quite well with the concept! My only gripe is that I wish I could speed up the movement animations so I don’t have to wait for them every time.
My first run was with the archer, and the arrows are a difficult weapon to start off with. You have to run from enemies but then you’ll never hit them when they’re on your tail and you have to soak up a lot of damage.
Next I tried the wizard with the spark weapon and was able to finish the run. The snowballing at the end was really satisfying.
I liked how the level had some special rooms with loot and monsters! The monster variety was nice too.
This was satisfying to beat, but a tad on the easy side. Every enemy I came across could be killed with normal attacks and as long as I waited between fights I never had to worry about my HP.
Overhearing the boss murmuring on the final floor was a clever and charming touch. I didn’t need to read the spoiler! I brewed up 10 boss potions in preparation for a big fight. I was genuinely surprised at what I was seeing when I threw that potion :)
Love it! Failed on my first run after a couple holes, but beat it on the second run with some very lucky shots. The power ups and shot modifiers are really satisfying to build up. It was especially great to put a bunch of them to use on my final shots.
Super cute graphics! I like the swimmy background animation.
First, it’s not a competition. Do the jam for yourself.
You’re not giving the judges enough credit though. You can score quite highly as a lone dev. I know because I did with my game last year, which was my first time doing a game jam, my first roguelike, and I managed my time poorly. But it had charm and I did my best to polish what little scope was there. You don’t need a team to do these things.
I really like this! The upgradeable organelles with their various functions is like being a roaming base in an RTS game.
The enemies and combat are well designed to keep tactics varied. Engulfing enemies is very satisfying.
I only wish it were easier! But maybe I just need to keep playing.
Great job all around!
I felt so dumb when I realized I had to roll around a bit to achieve the correct orientation to get my key into the lock. I thought I was stuck, hah!
The most interesting subtle thing about this is that the order of the directions you move to reach a given spot actually matters.
One thing that seemed like a bug was that tooltips didn’t appear for spawned-in enemies.
It was fun to learn the strategies in this. The non-attack abilities sound very tactically useful, but if you load up too much on them your attacks can’t keep up with the enemy spawns. I made it to floor 7.
The graphics and style are absolutely perfect, I couldn’t imagine this game looking better in another style.
If it means anything from a noob dev, I’m just astounded that you made this in 7 days! Great work.
Post-jam crash-fix version playable here:
This is so clever! Immediately reminded me of Carrion but this has a deep strategy that only roguelikes can have. The multi-tentacled combat is very original, inspired, and fun in both a tactical and absurd way. I also love how the tentacles holding things just drag behind you through the corridors.