Okay I figured it ou. I had to find it in the folder an run it as administrator.
Recent community posts
The damnable hamsters feel like they exist to punish me for bein too engrossed in the story to acknowledge a minor change in the backgroun. Havin the hints on jus takes me outta the story.
Otherwise zero complaints beyond my preference for sandbox type VNs over bein restrained to a specific order o events.
I'm gettin the same error.
edit: I got Isabelle to work. Since the npc control file in the game folder had a # in front of the isa_rel bit it never got added to wherever it needed to go I guess. jay_rel also has a # so maybe that'd work for them too.
This only works if ya start a new game. I suppose ya cou save edit the stuff in but that seems like a hassle.
edit2: It did not work for Jay so I jus went back to the event where we meet Jay an made it give me jay_rel either way. I have no idea what I'm doin but it's workin an I feel like I'm choppin up someone else's stuff. Someone please help me.
Why in all that is holy does my attack button on my controller open up my menu? All of the onscreen bullshit has xbox button prompts.
It's such a minor thing an I cou switch to keyboard but now I'm so irritated by this tiny thing that I can't play the fuckin game. Man Imma go to sleep an see if things feel better when I wake up.
Jus started this game. 2 things so far. Even when the cards are turned off it takes for-fuckin-ever for enemy actions.
The thing that drove me to come comment tho is that I'm fightin the drider righ now an she has that move that webs ya up if ya attack. Except it also webs ya up if ya use an item or even if ya jus got over that paralysis status. It's infuriatin for er to put my people into a status an then they gain two statuses when they leave that status an I have no control over that.
Hopefully it's all worth it cause I am gonna cathartically burn down that idiotic red village an murder anyone that asks me for a red score first chance I get.