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A member registered Jul 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Oh yes, there are definitely bugs. In 5 days, I haven’t had time to really test the game properly.

Hey! thanks for playing, glad you like it :)

No, I don’t think I’ll continue with this concept. I don’t believe it would work for a commercial game. But I’ve already got my next game in mind and I’ll be using some of these mechanics for sure!

Thanks again for your kind words :)


Hey! Thanks for your messages and for :) Ca fait plaisir ^^

Yes, you’re right, there are a few problems in the design, like the ones you’re talking about. It’s funny because it’s a concept I’ve had in mind for a long time, and making this proto brought me face to face with a lot of problems I hadn’t thought of.

I also think that the game lacks synergy between characters, even though this is supposed to be the heart of the gameplay. And it either becomes too overwhelming when you have a lot of effects, or loses its tactical dimension because you don’t really need to think anymore.

Annnyway, I’m still very happy with the final result and proud of the game. I think there are also some good ideas that could be used in future games ^^

Thanks again for your comments. It’s cool to read :)

Merci pour ce documentaire ! Très intéressant et inspirant.

On mac? I’m not sure to understand your question.

Actually, it’s not related to the OS but to the chip. The game only works on Mac M1 and above, but not on Intel Macs (because I only have a m2 to build and test).

As armatures said, I think it would be a big challenge to make it compatible with Intels chips :/


Je connais mal Linux donc je ne sais pas à quel point c’est compliqué de faire le build (c’était déjà bien compliqué pour Mac haha). Je vais regarder.

Pour la version web, j’avoue que je ne préfère pas. Ca nécessite d’avoir un système de sauvegarde dédié en plus de devoir gérer les soucis liés aux différents navigateurs/OS (je pense à la taille des fenêtres par exemple ou aux performances).

Désolé de ne pas pouvoir être plus positif.

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Indeed, a lot of the concepts come from Forward. With some additions ^^ I’m glad you like the game. Thanks for the wishlist and your comment! :)

PS: and thanks too for the “flair” mistake, I’ll fix that.

Your pack is really excellent. Well done!

I used it to make this Ludum Dare game and it’s easy to use and looks great!

Thanks for your awesome work!

Yes, it’s planned. For iOS too. Probably this fall, time to improve the game, add content and adapt it for mobile.

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There is version 1.0.2 which is available in the link of this post or on the game page. You can download it and replace the version 1.0.1 installed on your computer. It will keep your backup.

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Yes sorry about that, I’m not on Linux and I don’t know enough about it to do a build. Someone mentions here that it works on the Steam Deck so I figure it might work on Linux? I’m not sure.

Edit: It does not seem playable on Ubuntu :/

Thanks ^^

I can’t wait!!!

Hey there! The demo for the full game is only available on Steam sadly, but the final game will also release on :)

For those who never got to try out the Game Jam version, here’s a link! Over 90,000 players have now tried out the game and I decided I’d take the project a step further by expanding the game (a lot!) and bringing it to Kickstarter.

After one week, the project is almost 400% funded and has nearly 100 backers! Just shows the power of the Itch community!

Check out the Kickstarter here!

For those who are unaware, Forward is a bitesized card-based roguelike in which you must face a series of dungeons to escape the Fold! You pick up health, mana, armour and objects to help you defeat the cruel ennemies that will fight you. Discover the Itch game to discover more!

As you can see, in this new version, I have updated most of the monsters from the Itch version

Here you can see the mini-stories I have introduced


That’s weird - what browser are you using to play?

Ah super je vais voir ça! Merci encore pour ton soutien :) je suis content que mon projet Itch devient un vrai jeu maintenant

Thank you! It’s really exciting seeing the response to the KS!

As of right now I’m focusing my efforts on the Kickstarter! As every backer will take part in a play test where I’ll gather feedback - but any help sharing the project to others is always welcome! And most importantly, thank you :)

Yes, I will make an update detailing how the money will be spent! What I really wanted to underline is that the game is in a late stage of development and thus the money I am asking for is not to develop the game!


Thank you! Only ONE more day until the start of the campaign :)

Well done ;) if you’re interested a Kickstarter for Forward is starting tomorrow! Here’s a preview link (don’t forget to follow!)

Thank you! I am starting a Kickstarter tomorrow for Forward, you can check it out here!

Thank you <3 Follow me on Twitter (@twotinydice) to follow the news ;)

Thank you! Add me on Twitter @twotinydice :) I might be interested!

Much appreciated! It should be live by mid January :)

Hello there, pleased to hear the experience was good! How has the playtest been so far?

I am planning on also releasing the game for Linux :) still figuring out the details at the moment

Thank you very much :) I am working with a musician already but thank you for offering! You should check the Steam page for the complete version if you’ve liked this game! and wishlist?

Hello there! I am pleased to confidently say that problem has been fixed in the upcoming game :) Have you checked out the Steam page? Interesting idea however there are maybe too many items in the final game for this to be viable i think

little bird

If you have another crave… I can invite you to the beta of Forward: Escape the Fold ;) Just DM on Twitter (@twotinydice)

Hi! Just checked out the video, thank you for playing :) I am releasing a closed beta of Forward (another game I made) very soon, if you’d like to join you can DM on Twitter (@twotinydice)

Hi there! I’ve worked on my other game Forward for the past 12 months and it’s releasing early 2022 on Steam :) Hope you like what you see!

Hi there! Love to know you liked Forward, did you have time to check out the Steam page for its upcoming release? You can wishlist if you like it :)

Hi TheRealAskz, I am so happy to see how much you’ve thought about the game! Send me a message on Twitter (@twotinydice) and I will add you to the closed beta taking place very soon.