a brazilian streamer I like played it yesterday and I enjoyed the game very much! the artstyle was love at first sight and it's very polished and pleasing to look at, I loved the imputs of the player at things we found, slowly getting to know the guy who passed and oh god the ending with his sister almost made me cry fr, it was so touching!!!! the entire game even just going thru his belongings made me so soft hearted and sad, like it was a real person who had passed. and he's so complex too, with the whole grief and want to do something to honour his dad aaaaaaa. it's so good!!!! it feels like a demo of a bigger game, though it doesn't say such anywhere I've seen. I hope you plan on expanding this concept (if you'd want to, ofc!) because it is very promissing in my opinion. thank you for the masterpiece!!! btw if you wanna check the vod out, the youtube channel "lives do dreas" will eventually post the cut of the gameplay! it's in portuguese though...
edit: someone mentioned before me and it reminded me, the text before the email giving an context of the character you are goes by too quick even for english speakers, it'd be nice if every screen needed a click for the next to show! not only for english speakers to read, but to streamers of other languages to have their time translating the intro :3