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A member registered Oct 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank yooooou my consecrated!

NO problemo! :D If I manage to properly organize the tiles in an alternative file ready for usage on RMK, I will also let you know.

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I am happy to help in any way I can :)

Yup, I made the charset to match the tileset, check these samples out:

They are using both the Char Workshop as well as my tilesets.

48x48 is such a weird size, everything looks huge.

They can be used with RMK as custom tilesets with custom tilesizes. RMK uses 48x48, you would either need to use a script for custom tilesizes or to change your tileset config (if you are using MZ) as pointed out here:

Regarding the auto-tilling blob placement, you can use LibreSprite (!/) do edit the tilesets. If you need a guide on what to place and where, check these out:

For MV: For MZ:

I might take some time later this week and have these tilesets arranged in a RMK fashion, all that you would need to do is change what is the default size of your tiles :) Keep in mind that would mess up the usage for the default RTP tilesets since mine are 32x32 and RTP is 48x48.

All the Battle Kits are focused on side view battle. If you are looking for overworld sprites with North, South, East and West, that would be the Char Workshop!

Sounds like a great approach, mate! If anything, you are giving them a bit more of time to get to it before taking any other measure. I believe people over discord can be helpful on that end on how to prune people if necessary.

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Well, a last recourse would be to remove them from the bundle.

Someone on Discord mentioned that this is possible on the backend to avoid bundles never going live due to people not being cooperative our just disappearing.

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Done! Once I have the proper time I will review these fonts, there is quite some work to be done regarding kerning for particular letters.

Awesome! :D

Heya, mate! :D Is that okay to join with assets packs? I forgot to ask you that on Discord!

These will come as well :D I hope that sooner than later

As of now I have them as split sprites since I plan to add lots more of weapons. Since the weapon canvas has the same size and the placement is already made within the canvas, just drawing them over their sprites in the same X and Y is enough.

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It is great to see my assets being used! I just made that one update adding the moving sprites for heroes. More for the monsters will come soon - as well as new BGs and new bosses.

Awesome stuff, mate. I will submit all of my assets, hope it helps. Let’s see if I can kickstart and upload a new pack before the bundle is out.

That being said, all the best for you and your mother. Life can suck a lot at times, but both of you will bounce back, hopefully unscathed.

Seconding this one here, would it be okay to submit Game Assets as well?

Dope concept!

I see! Well, I can’t promise it will happen, but as I said, I might add a few basic attack animations to the Char Workshop. That or get a paper doll system on Battle Kit, albeit it will be consistently smaller.

You are welcome, mate! Let me know if the Battle Kit I cover your needs and/or if you have any suggestions. Right now I am doing a pack of portraits/facesets in the same fashion as the Char Wokshop, allowing the creation of many faces.

Glad you liked it!

If you are looking for combat specific sprites - and combat only - take a look at the Battle Kit 1.

Sprites there are bigger with lots of combat oriented animations and shall see an update soon. However the Battle Kit covers just a few key characters instead of being a paper-doll system. Given time I will add more characters to the roster, but won’t be focused on allowing creating millions of combinations.

As for the char workshop I will certainly add some custom animations, maybe some basic attack for ARPGS, but I cannot say for sure.

They told me it was impossible, they called me mad!

But yeah, I might have went overboard lol still have a couple of things I want to add tho, such as children and heavier frames.

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Thank you so much for your continued support, it means a lot to me! Hope I can figure out the Paypal situation, eventually :p

THis one will also come, but it will take quite longer since I want to wrap up the charsets and the battle kit update first!

Funny you mentioned, because some of those will be added soon! Actually, I believe all of those will be added, I have to double check my list.

No problemo! :D Feel free to drop me a line whenever!

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Hmmm you are right, it is not appearing on their page anymore, you have to get inside their profile and search within their list on the top. They might be restructuring their itch page. Nonetheless, there you go!

I am a sucker for their fonts, top notch work.

Thank you for your purchase! :) Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Both this pack and the Dragon Regalia will see an update rather sooner than later, with more assets added to them.

I am currently working on a quite extensive charset with literally millions of possible outfits for overworld characters.

I am not sure if I understood it correctly, but I will try to offer some guidance nonetheless!

  • As for the GUI assets both here in this pack and the Dragon Regalia: Yes, you can modify them as you see fit!

  • As for the PSD files: I can’t handle you PSD files because I don’t use photoshop for making these assets! Instead I work with aseprite. I could provide the .ase for a few of those, but I believe it will be of little to no help. Most of the .ase are, pretty much, the same files you will get on the packs as a .png, save a couple of them that are broken down into layers. For the GUI, almost all of them are single layer files;

  • The best approach here might be getting the .png themselves and just editing them to match your current system. The way I broke down the assets - such as the 9 slices - are supposed to be of more generic use, not aiming any particular system, so it is on the person using to edit or use them as they see fit;

Does this help in any way? Feel free to drop me any further questions or even suggestions for future GUI packages!

Glad you dig it, mate, you are welcome! More to come in the future.

More will come! About the frequency, it depends on how I can balance my monthly income with making more assets while the paid assets to not get traction :(

Thank you so much! I like them cute graphics. :D

Thank you so much, mate! It is a shame I was so short in time :( otherwise I would have added a bit more of stuff, such as X-box controller buttons stylized like the rest of the GUI.

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Thank you so much. They will surely come! Right now working on another paid one, but with free samples. I am also planning on making animated emotion balloons, this one will be 100% free.

Valeu demais! :D Espero que o pacote faça jus a expectativa!

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Firme e forte! Em paralelo estou fazendo o conjunto de personagens/charsets, com bastante opção de cabelo/roupas/acessórios/corpos.

This is style is dope, yo

Yeah, just saw that on another post a few seconds ago lol Thanks, mate! Ah well, it can be done manually by keeping track of the transforms during the keyframes where the parent changes. Thanks nonetheless, it is great being able to do bones animation on pixel art :) kudos, mate!

Is there a way to turn off - or partially turn off - the bone transformation from a parent? For instance, when making a breathing animation it is useful to scale up the chest, but not everything else bound to it.

Thank you so much! I have to admit, it wasn’t easy cramming so much info together lol


That has so much charm to it, would defo play it. Truly old school.