I use Unity 3D for all of my games! Thanks for playing
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Hey, I just wanted to write and tell you that after watching your video, I've improved the game a lot based on your feedback (Some of the stuff I've added includes a secret ending, lore and stealth). Your video really helped a lot and I am seriously grateful! The updated version will probably be out sometime tommorow. Thanks :D
Cool idea, but I got stuck at the terminal. After reading other comments, it sounds like a cool puzzle, but a very confusing one, so maybe make it easier? I also quite liked the visuals, although when moving the game got pretty blurry. Another thing that I liked which I don't even know whether was intentional or not is that you can hit multiple enemies at once by standing closer to them. That added some more depth to the combat.
Pretty fun, especially the endless mode. I almost wish you had made the entire game the endless mode with more content. The game lagged a bit for me, but not so much where it became too annoying. The graphics were simple, but I liked the use of a lot of blue colors. When I played normally, I never regained any health because it takes that long for it to begin regenerating, so maybe either make health drop from enemies, or just make it take less time to regenerate. Fun game overall :D
I really like the idea of having to stun enemies with one attack before then killing them with another, however I think this mechanic could become more interesting if there was more to it(For example if certain enemies had specific weak spots were you had to shoot them to stun them, or if a certain enemies could reflect the projectile back at you). The controls were nice, but the camera was a bit too zoomed in. The attack sound felt very satisfying.
This was a very fun game! I liked how you don't have to be on the ground to jump, not a lot of games do that, and it makes the platforming feel very unique. The graphics are simply, but in a charming way. The lightning strikes are a lot of fun, and make for some challengging platforming. Really cool!