What's "retopo"?
Recent community posts
When holding out the models are not spaced out enough and they go on top of each other (the are floor tiles). I tried setting offset but I can't change it, it always goes back to 0.
https://imgur.com/VLswEZ6What an impressive demo! This shows much promise.
Some minor notes.
It would be nice if objectives were marked completed in Notes when done.
Also, how was I supposed to know which way to take to complete the save the General objective? I chose the path that went to the villain and missed on that side objective.
A dedicated healing button would be nice.
There is no reason to highlight non-interactable items in the HUD like keyboards etc. It just clutters the view and makes it harder to see what you actually can interact with.
Works with Godot 4.2?
Edit: 4.2 gives this error: res://Scripts/Player.gd:9 - Parse Error: Unexpected "Identifier" in class body.
onready var PlayerSprite = $Sprite #path to the player's sprite
onready var Anim = $AnimationPlayer #path to animation player
onready var RightRaycast = $RightRaycast #path to the right raycast
onready var LeftRaycast = $LeftRaycast #path to the left raycast