Very cute!
Team Dojee
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Really fun game. I really enjoyed the strategy of it. The trees and upgrades really add to the strategy. The art was quite nice. I really think you nailed the strategy. Once you better understand the AI you can look at the position of castles and plan accordingly. The key is to capture as many neutral castles as you can. That really knocks down the enemies offensive power. But if you spread your self too thin then they can just take advantage of your work and quickly capture you. It reminds me a lot of the game Risk. Still haven't beaten it lol, it's hard T^T. But also really fun. Awesome game. A few nitpicks. A pause button would be nice and a level select for levels you've beaten would be really cool.
Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it! Yea I had the flashlight like you said but thought it made it hard to see, maybe that's a good thing idk, so I changed to mouse look. And now that I think about it that doesn't fit the theme(having mouse look). I might change that. You can't kill the monster you have to flip the switches( one in each corner) to open the door. However I probably should have explained that more lol. Thanks for the tips and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Cool game. Really felt like I was playing a old NES game. Death pits feel a little unfair. personally I'd prefer if it would bounce you back to the last ground you stood on minus some health. And while this is hardly a big deal I think it would make more sense to use a key instead of the mouse button to attack. Also the full screen button doesn't seem to work. It doesn't resize the game. The shield is by far my favorite weapon. It's super fun to bounce bombs at the enemies. And I really like the level design. Over really fun game
7. Any advice to new participants?
Plan WAY smaller than you think you can do. Scope really small. You can add more stuff later. Also add some sound fx. You can find free ones online and it really helps the final product. Or at the very least add some music. And even if you don't like your game be glad you finished it. Most people don't.
8. What can the admins do to improve your jam experience?
You guys are doing good.
9. What are some of the past works you've made for the jam? Show off your favorites!
This is a little game I made for a weekly game jam:
10. Bonus: Got any question suggestions? Let us know for next year!
Question suggestion for returning jammers: How do you solve bugs and problems in the game