The game is very fun and manages to hold the player's attention. I loved knowing that you have plans for the future, I'm already following you so I don't miss anything!
Tarcísio Silva
Creator of
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Aahh, thank you so much! All these comments make me very happy. This is just my second jam, the first with voting and comments. And I am delighted to receive all these suggestions from such talented people, just like you! I can't wait to release this update, I hope that anyone who plays it has as much fun as I did making the game and interacting with all of you! :)
Wow, thanks, nk! I'm really glad you liked my game, I loved The Tall Grass! :D
And I totally agree with you and other players who also felt that the pacing feels slow at higher levels. Damn, I'm punishing the players who play well! lol
To fix this (or at least try), I just worked on an update to insert a button that the player can press to speed up the audio sequence. As soon as the jam is over I will post this build. And some spooky audios ended up getting funny, I liked that!
Once again, thank you very much!
This game has a really cool look and soundtrack! The jumping mechanics are also well crafted. But I died many times trying to find the way... I liked the feature of making the scene dark, but maybe a mini map would make the player more oriented towards the scene. Congratulations, I would love to see more of this game in the future! :)
Oi, pessoal! Brasileiro aqui! :D
Gente, eu não consegui rodar o jogo direito... Estou abrindo o jogo em um pc Windows, com resolução 1920x1080, e a janela do executável estranhamente abre sempre meio descolada na tela (deixei um print da minha tela inteira aqui pra você verem). Do jeito que está, eu não consigo arrastar a janela para o centro da tela nem deixar em fullscreen... Fiquei com muita vontade de testar o jogo, espero que dê certo pra fazer essa correção! :)
Great game! I loved the tension of the gameplay. And the idea of changing the map every day is brilliant! I would love to have the option to run, especially when the character returns to his badroom. Then it would be exactly as I did when I was a child: I tiptoed to the bathroom, thinking that I was going to find a ghost or something at any time, but on my way back I ran past the house, to jump straight under the covers! This game made me relive a lot of those moments, thank you for that! Congratulations!
Great game! I love A Quiet Place and I loved how you incorporated the mood of the film into it! Maybe I played The Last Of Us a lot this year, but while I was playing The Tall Grass I really wanted to have an object to throw and distract the monsters. Would it be interesting to give the player a throwable item? Even if it is just a single object and which, when throwing, would make enemies faster and more alert? It could be something to help in times of "certain death" (and I died a lot hahaha), but it would also bring a consequence to the player, so the decision to throw or not the item would always be tense. Again, great game! Congratulations!
Hey, Ezra, thanks for playing and commenting! I'm really glad you liked the "breathing sky", this was something that came up when the game was almost finished, just to try to break the monotony of listening to the long sequences. I loved your suggestion to add an option to speed up the sounds, I will definitely work on that for a future build, when the jam ends. Thank you very much for the suggestions and for sharing your impressions! :)
Submitted, but still working on improvements. Just released version 1.2:
Just finished my game for SCREAM JAM 2020, Simon Still Says! It’s basically a "Simon Says"-like, but with scary sounds instead of peaceful lights :)