Thank you as always, ~Y U U~ <3
Yes, work oh work, when will it ends? No one knows :'))
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Oh lol, you noticed it! Congrats & thank you, 0Cinnamon0Apples0! 😂 I thought I've replied to you but I think I forgot, please forgive this very late reply.
Now I'm in a dilemma, should I fix it or leave it alone?--Hear me out! Steam hasn't been kind whenever I tried to update the game so I'm very, very, hesitant to touch the game file/update it unless it's a big bug :')
You see, in order to update the game, steam has to send me OTP code to my phone & I'll need to input it. But the code almost always failed to show up. Once, I got locked out & it stressed me out very much since steam didn't tell me how long I was going to be locked out. I tried reaching out to customer service, no answer. I tried looking out to user forum, and one answered they got locked out for a week, I got event more stressed out 🥲
Fortunately, I was only locked out for a day, but I think it traumatized me lol.
Therefore, maybe I'll leave this one alone for now 😭
Thanks again and see you around!
Oh lol, it's ok. There's a ton to learn if you really want to know more about Bali/Manggarai X'D even I don't know much about them, I just basically pick up a culture that I like & try to introduce it to you/to the world. I try not to touch anything too religious though & keep it fun most of the time. I like positive vibes, however, I also sometimes make things more intense/dramatic than normal, like the Caci Dance.
There's no correct/wrong answer in my fantasy world setting though. Just keep it respectful, especially when it involves a religion or taboo things (like Sati Ceremony, you can be dramatic about it, just don't insult it) & you can go as wild as you want! All I want is for you to have fun & enjoy the process. I appreciate your effort ^.^)/
Uhh, have you read the encyclopedia? Bali and Manggarai are 2 different people/places ^^;
Bali is located at East Java, while Manggarai people is from Flores/East Nusa Tenggara. They're 2 different places--2 different islands. That's why the Avian & Komodo looks have different culture. (Bali = Avian/Loma Village, Manggarai = Komodo)
I think you're confused about this (or we have some miscommunication). I only used Manggarai people as reference for the Komodo due to the Caci Dance they performed. In real life, It's not a brutal/violent ritual at all. It's a war dance ritual that symbolizes friendship/a showcase of strength & goodwill. It is performed to celebrate events such as harvest or to welcome guests of honor.
If you want to learn more about Bali/Manggarai, I do not recommend using AI, my suggestion is to do some research on books or even the wikipedia. They will give you more info/facts about them~ I don't dare to say much about them since I haven't visited them myself (like I said in my reply before)
The concept of 'a warrior tribe' is used for both Avian & Komodo people who is at war with each other. You get to see the more peaceful aspect with the Avian people, but they do fight (Mitra with his double knives & Rama with his knive). The Komodo people will feel more brutal/violent due to their nature of placing strength & body size above all + you get to see them fight with whips (Caci Dance reference used here but I turned it into smth more serious/brutal than the real life version).
It's from my fantasy, therefore, readers are free to imagine what kind of tribes they are. I added some hints/prompts in my visual novel (about their history, behaviour, hints about their matchmaking/wedding rituals, etc)
But in the end, readers have the freedom to imagine what the Avian/Komodo tribe is like and that's why it's fun.
Hi, Raven! Thanks for dropping by and this is an excellent question! ^.^)/
First thing first, let me tell you about my priority list. When I make a visual novel, the first one on the list is the Story Plot. I need to at least complete the rough draft of each route before I commit myself to making it. The second is Worldbuilding + what Indonesian Culture I'd like to introduce you to. Honestly the worldbuilding is often a mix of my fantasy + the culture involved. In Winged Ones, Omed-omedan comes from Bali so I inserted a little Batik from Bali + the village houses resembles real Bali houses. The same can be said about Caci Dance. Because the dance came from the Manggarai people (Flores/East Nusa Tenggara), the Komodo tribe wears the specific clothes/batik from there too + their houses resemble Manggarai's.
Winged Ones also has the unique birds/animals you can find in Indonesia. Rama symbolized Cenderawasih, Mitra is Javan Hawk-Eagle, and Reksa is Komodo Dragon.
If you lookup at the mini encyclopedia, everything kinda connects to one another in a way. Like how Rama wears Papua Batik because Cendrawasih is from there. And there's also a mix of Javan Batik due to the existence of Javan Hawk-Eagle. But Javan people doesn't live on tree houses mind you 😂 It's an original concept of an Avian tribe (some live on tree houses while some prefer to be on the ground to preserve energy/avoid children having accidents, more specifically those who haven't learned how to fly yet)
Basically, there are lots of culture mixed in together in my attempt to make an original concept/world while still respecting my culture.
Are you with me? I wish I can do a better job explaining it ^^;
However, I admit, there is limited information I can give you about Bali/Manggarai people. Because I haven't go there myself so I can only do online research + look up real photos from people who have actually gone there. I also consider it might be a good idea not to delve too deep since it might distract the readers from the Main Story Plot.
In any case, I always do my best to explain/introduce the culture I used via the mini encyclopedia.
I hope I answered your question! Thanks again and see you around :3
P.S. I don't have a wikipedia/a website of my own so I can only explain this way~
Hello again and thank you for the recommendations and references for learning material! I always have room for improvement, I'll do my best to learn and polish my writing skills!
However, I'll have to draw the line about NSFW content >///< I'm too embarrassed to write them--heck I even sometimes still blush when writing fluffy scenes, so... yep, maybe not for me.
And, ah, I see that our knowledge about hell is different. It might have something to do with my country having diverse beliefs and I get to hear more things about it. So let me share with you: (of course, my knowledge is also limited & might be flawed so take it with a grain of salt, you might want to make your own research!)
- in Islam, hell is a place where we will suffer physically and spiritually. The punishment differs depending on our sins. For example, if we do sin with our mouth, our tongue will be pulled out/hammered with iron nails/cut off depending on the severity. Then the tongue will regenerate & the punishment will repeat. If we do fraud/steal with our hands, our hands will be cut off with dull swords and then it will regenerate. The same happens with other body parts... rapists will have a hot iron pole inserted from below and they will suffer a slow death before repeating it again. The most severe is probably getting thrown into a lava lake & we can feel our skin/organs melting while we struggle to swim to the shore. we will revive and the torture begins anew. Meanwhile, those who commit suicide will repeat their moment of death in a loop.
the interesting part is each of the sinners will have an attendant/torturer and they will have our face. I'm not sure what they symbolize but maybe to remind us that we did this to ourself? Oh, there are 7 layers of hell if you're wondering how big hell is according to Islam
- in Buddhism, they believe in reincarnation. All of us will drink forgetful soup before jumping into different lakes of reincarnation. We can become a tree/insect/animals/human again depending on our karma. It also decides whether we'll have good luck or bad luck in our next lifetime. I'm not sure whether there's an end or not, but maybe we reincarnate until we achieve enlightment and ascend? (like the Buddha story)
There are quite a lot of similarities about Hell if I read chinese/japanese novels though. It's all mixed up but the punishment part is similar except from the bible which is a little vague. But at least, now you can probably imagine the punishment.
As for why the Devil is doing God's bidding (torturing sinners), who knows? maybe he just enjoys it, because he's Lucifer. I mean, he is essentially also the prisoner of Hell (because he rebelled & got thrown down), not its ruler who follows God's commands; his actions within Hell might be driven by his own desire to cause suffering and tempt others, not by God's will.
in any case, what Heaven and Hell truly is will be different since we have different beliefs. I like to think the different Gods/Demons all exist lol (how else can they monitor the millions and millions of humans). Maybe Buddha & Jesus are drinking tea together right now along with the other small Gods or whatnot lol. And then, we will simply be judged according to what belief we have after death.
Jokes aside, I enjoy our exchange of knowledge. I will continue to make visual novels slowly while also trying to survive my office job :') so I hope to see you around!
Aaah, I think I know what you mean!
I've seen games with MC that depends on your choice, she/he can lean more toward Evil or Good. Unfortunately, I've never played one (my choices are limited back then because I can't buy paid ones, only play free ones >_<;)
And I think it will be difficult for me to write the Evil route, because honestly, I'm more inclined to write fluffy romance/comedy, my limit is to write angst/bad ends/dark fairy-tales 😂 I do appreciate the input though! I like the idea of writing more short bad ends if the reader choose a wrong option. (I did this with the Antagonist route in "Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle" and I think I can improve it some more thanks to your feedback. The readers will just have to save more often lol)
As for Hell...
I'm sure everyone have their own thoughts/opinion regarding matters about Hell or Demons. For me, I'm not keen about the idea of joining Hell--I mean, is Satan even recruiting? Are we evil enough/interesting enough for him to let us join him? The biggest chance is He'll just throw us to the fire and forget about us while we're tortured/paying for our 'insignificant' sins.
Once again, thank you for sparing some time to write me so much review~
Hi, Raven!
Thanks for the feedback~ one of the reasons why the choices are limited is because I try to focus on the main plot. Too many sub-plot might distract the reader >_<
And nope, no kicking the bird! x'D
She's the Goddess' servant, are you not scared of divine retribution lol. I try to make the MC to have a positive attitude/energy as much as I could, who knows, maybe it could affect us in real lives. Of course, you'll see she's not some pushover either in Reksa's route.
And yes, you can romance the mysterious lizard (you mean Reksa, right?)
Sadly, Purba is not available to woo. I understand why quite a number of people want to roomance him tho
As for the reason why you're stuck with Mitra, it's because his route is the easiest.
So the difficulty level would be: Mitra (easy), Reksa (medium), Rama (hard)
Here's a walkthrough for you if you want to collect all CG~ (click & drag your mouse through the white space)
Good luck & have fun~
That is a good question, Ezer!
I once considered to give readers the option to be a woman/man MC, but there are a couple of things I considered:
1.) I don't know how to program it 😅 I also don't know how the codes work with grammar (if MC is woman will use 'she', if man will use 'he').
2.) a man and woman will have different reactions so the codes, again, will be more complicated (from what I know, a man will have more logic based choices, while a woman will often go with her heart/emotion-based choices).
3.) the romance options will also be affected since the MC can be female/male. I imagine there will be at least 1 female love interest. Now don't get me wrong, I respect LGBT, but I prefer making male love interests 💖
4.) the CGs will also be more complicated since this means I will need to make 2 versions each (1 for male MC & 1 for female MC). That is too much work for me as a solo gamedev Q_Q
With all those things considered, I chose to stay making female MC and I don't think it'll change >_<; thanks for asking though!
Hi, Sazura! I'm glad to see you're enjoying the update!
And thanks for being so understanding QuQ I'll do my best to update like usual, but if I don't have any specific/a good amount of update, maybe I'll write less or update every 2 weeks? ^^;
I think I'm leaning towards writing less but still 1 update perweek, just to stay in contact with you lovelies <3
And I've taken note that a lot of you want more Indonesian culture! I'm very flattered, I honestly didn't expect my culture to be so well-received by all of you QuQ I'm touched and feel all warm now. The good news is I have a friend who is more adept/have more knowledge about indonesian culture than I do, so let me consult her and expect some good news! ^.^)/
I'm glad to hear you like the mindmap!
I also see that many of you would like to see more indonesian culture/something different than the usual European/western--I'm definitely taking note of that! The good news is I have a friend who is more adept/have more knowledge about indonesian culture than I do, so let me consult her and see if I can cook up something for you! -^.^)/
Ahh, thank you for the love! I honestly didn't expect my culture to be so well-received by all of you QuQ I'm touched and feel all warm now. The good news is I have a friend who is more adept/have more knowledge about indonesian culture than I do, so let me consult her and expect some good news! ^.^)/
Hello Mari867! Thank you for giving my VN a chance and congrats on finishing it! 🥳
I'm glad to hear you're thoroughly enjoyed yourself! As for the 4th out of 5 antagonist CG... I checked and it seems that I made a small mistake with the coding and it didn't appear ^^; I'll update the file ASAP!
If you're curious, it's a variation where the shadow hands disappeared, leaving only the Gems & Kaiden looking bewildered (leading up to good end)
Thank you for notifying me of this error! *Bows*
Update: the build 1.4.5 is live now! The CG is at its proper place (after solving the last, hardest puzzle in antagonist route) error should be fixed ^.^)/
Hi, Mishira! congrats on finishing all the routes and thank you so much for the feedback! ^///^
I'm glad to see you've enjoyed yourself <3 thank you for the support and for loving my boys >///<
The endings do have a considerable time skip and I thought the readers would've enjoyed to insert their own imaginations here, but I see that's not true! So thank you for bringing this to my attention ^.^)/ I'll take note and do my best to improve the epilogues--maybe a bit more detail & description, or one more scene to give it a nicer finish
Unfortunately, I have a habit of "once I close a book, it ends" so no DLC unfortunately Q_Q
I prefer to use more time to develop my next project, so I can only apologize if you want a DLC or smth more about the antagonist >_<; *bows*
Once again, thank you for your support! Stay tuned for my next project's details!
Wow, you're very thorough! Thank you for asking X'D
So yes, while the merchants often advertise their rice to be from spring village, it's not necessarily true. It could've been from other places, but because Spring Village's popularity is high, they borrowed the name just so they can sell better 😂
Another answer (a darker one): since the antagonist had hypnotized the Autumn villagers early, the merchants would've obtained rice somewhere else and thought they had obtained it from the Spring Village. Because it's the "routine" they had in their memories.
As for the Dryads, yes they're a very reclusive tribe and history hasn't been kind to them. Now, the survivors are either asleep now in their own trees in the forest or just live in hiding.
As for Rama... Before I answer this, have you played Winged Ones? X'D I'll try to give a spoilerless answer: Yes, out of the other bachelors, he needed Tamara the most.
Hi, sherkin! Thanks for asking!
Actually, the auto saves are there--if you go to the Load screen, you see there's a "<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>" icons right? If you're on page 1 and click the "<<" icon, you'll be directed to the auto save files!
you can also use the ">>" icon to go more than 10 pages. I like to think of this as a hidden function that users can discover by themselves--but my bad ^^;
As for the Antagonist route, once you get all 3 good endings, the mirrors should turn clear on the main menu and a black mirror will appear. Once this happens, just click on "New Game". You'll notice there are suble differences and you acn now pick the Black Mirror! this means you've unlocked the Antagonist route! But of course, if you choose the other mirrors, you'll be directed to the main 3 routes.
As for what mirror to choose in the beginning... you can choose whatever you want! It won't lock you to a bachelor so early, but if you want to pick the antagonist route, you MUST choose the Black Mirror. It's the hardest route of them all so I suggest to save often~ ^.^)/
Yes, I agree. It would've been nice if I have second opinion/another programmer that can check my codes--are you also Indonesian? O_O if yes, can you please add me on discord? My username is sweetchiel
I'd really love to have your help, maybe for my next project if I encounter another similar problem! ^.^)/
Ah, yes, a few people also have encountered that bug but strangely enough, I can't seem to encounter that bug no matter what I do x_x I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong with it, so... my apologies!
Fortunately, it's a minor bug and it doesn't affect anything--I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself though! Take your time and if you need me, I'm here! ^.^)/
Hi, KetsuGames!
You can send me the grammar mistakes to my email: [email protected]
Thank you for your support and love! ^///^
Thank you very much, Alice Gone Mad! ^///^
Oh dear, the years I spent is nothing compared to the patience and everlasting support from all of you! Q_Q And don't worry, you didn't miss anything! Bermuda and I will always be here, so take your time! Don't hesitate to ask/give me critiques later <3 I do hope I reach your expectations but I always strive to learn to be better!
On a more serious note, I will put up a poll on today's update! You can help me decide what my next project will be so stay tuned~
Thanks again for coming out to show me your love and support, Alive Gone Mad >///<
Update: After waiting for a little more than a day, the SMS cooldown is done! I still didn't receive any SMS from Steam tho, but it worked when I changed into a new number... (thank goodness I have 2 phones!)
I don't know what Steam's problem with my old phone number, but hey, at least everything is OK now and the walkthrough is LIVE on Steam! -^.^)/ thank you for your support and patience, littlegal100!
Hi again, littlegal100!
So I tried to update the Steam game build with the Walkthrough DLC (to test before preparing to publish), there's an error with the SMS authentication message... I didn't receive any message & when I kept trying, I seem to hit a rate limit from making too many attempts in a short period. Steam support said I need to wait for the cooldown period to finish, I don't know how long, so I think it'll take a while until I can release the Walkthrough DLC :'(
I'm crossing my fingers! Steam has become more strict--I hope you can wait. If not, I hope you'll be able to solve the issue with PayPal & go with the version!