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Sugary Chamomile

A member registered Dec 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! <3

Thanks!! I will do everything in my power to make it worthwhile and unique! <3

Thank you so much!! <3

Your comments always bring me so much joy every time! Thank you <3

(1 edit)

Please, do not apologise!! (On the contrary, sorry for replying so late!!) I have read your comment several times now, and I genuinely can't stop smiling! To hear that my work is not just appreciated, but inspiring for other developers is something truly incredible, and something that genuinely I never thought would happen.

Also, please don't be angry at yourself for not playing it sooner. I myself struggle keeping up to speed with development, life, study and find it extremely hard to find the courage to be more open about my WIPs.

I think that there is a stark difference between a "good game", an entertaining, fun, well built game, and a game that "leaves a mark on you". I have played many games in my life, and some are better than others, but I think that a game doesn't need to be the "best game to ever exist" to leave a mark on you. I never wanted to make "the best game", I just want my games to be remembered, to leave a mark, to not leave people indifferent, and by reading what you have written, I think I succeeded in my intent, and that makes me so, so, so happy.

For the sake of honesty, I must make clear that I did not compose the music in this game - or any of my games for that matter. This is a sore lacking in my toolset, and one I have tried to rectify with not much of a success. Most of the music you hear in this game is composed by Erokia on All I did, other than simply choose, was distort, add echoes and invert some tracks. 

And yes, I do not know how to draw. I was even unsure whether to start game development at all, since the only experience I had at my disposal was with writing. My reaction to this fear was to try and use this inexperience to my advantage (if I draw like a five year old, let's make a game drawn in the style of a five year old, and so C:\FOR\EVER was born).

Those passages you mentioned, the dialogues regarding the gramophone, the unfinished work and threads and purpose... Those do, in fact, come from the heart and cared for (along with the rest of the game) as much as I could - and to read that they resonated with you is extremely heartwarming. 

I am convinced The Bridge is a world that "makes sense", just not to us. If those characters were able to see our world and "exit reality", they would be as bewildered and weirded out as we are in seeing theirs. 

I know the story is hard to grasp, and that is partly on purpose. I recognize that it came out much more enigmatic than it needed to be, and I aim to rectify it with the game I am working on right now (C:/FOR/EVER , finally!!!!!). I myself have explored much more deeply the world I have crafted and understand it much better than when I made that game.

My very personal and objectionable take is that when making something like this, you need to have "something to say", something that, in my case, cannot be fully put into words. Of course, like you said - it's not really about the gameplay, the look and entertainment value, that is not really the point for a game like this. I like to look at things, anything, from the "bird's eye view", to fathom all collectively and see how each moment fits together. Sure, this should not be an excuse to make some shoddy and unpolished things, but I believe (very subjectively) that new, creative ideas and scenarios, new "things to be said", are be infinitely more valuable that retraced, redone and overused ideas, even if they are well executed.

I put as much effort and love in what I make as I can. I love what I make, because it is a part of who I am. I am so happy that you were able to find a way to love this too. Thank you so much for your stream of consciousness.

With all the love this tiny heart can muster <3

Thank you!! <3

(2 edits)

Unfortunately, it is a quirk with the pixelation shader I used...

Playing maximized / in fullscreen (by pressing F4) should make it legible again.

Hope you still liked the game!

Thank you so, so much! I'm so glad you liked the narrative! That, along with the design of the areas, is what I put the most effort in and what I cared about the most... 

I would love to make a living from my art, but I am afraid that it would be quite difficult. One can dream...! 

Thank you so much!! 

Love <3

Hey! Thanks for trying out the game! On the main game's page, you should be able to download the .txt file.

Please do notify me if you are having problems!!

All the best, 


I am genuinely struggling to find the words to properly convey how I feel. When I started creating (writing, short stories and such) I did not know what it feels like to have someone that genuinely understands and is invested in what I make. Even today, when I give someone one of my books, in 99% of cases I never again hear from them about it - nobody ever has the time, apparently. 

I would be lying if I said your comments didn't move me. With the extremely troubled history behind it (I failed to mention I considered quitting it altogether several times because of how much I was trying to perfect it) and the relentless self-criticism and perfectionism I unfortunately suffer from throughout all my productions, having someone call my work a "masterpiece" is earth-shattering to me. 

I think it's pretty obvious that I make this games because I genuinely think games can be works of art - and that I want to make some too, something personal. When I started, I must admit, I was terrified of having to learn to draw. But editing (photoshopping, distorting, mashing, whatever you prefer) I think makes for something quite unique I have not seen a lot around, and it very much still is a way to convey personality and emotion, in my opinion.

I have loved the medium throughout all my life, and during my studies (I'm going for the master's degree now!!) I'm trying to understand more and more on why they can be so intriguing, and where do those emotions come from, how to evoke them and what consequences they have. (I've been reading Mark Fisher's The Weird and the Eerie and honestly it's a treasure trove of inspiration)

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

For exploring, understanding, and taking the time to flavor the sickly-sweet emotions in my work, with way too much sugar inside, just the way I like my tea.

All the love this tiny heart can muster <3

P.S. Of course, I look forward to your unhinged comments! :)

(1 edit)

I am genuinely speechless. Especially with the amount of overthinking and failed attempts it took to make this (if you obtain the two raindrop halves you will see what I mean ) your words mean the world to me. 

I had to struggle a lot to make this game. And so I wanted to make it into something special. I poured everything I could inside the game. All the love that the other games I tried to make deserved, and I am glad you are appreciating all the little details. All the games that I loved growing up, if nothing else, taught me the feelings a good game should give you. From your words, I believe I was able to replicate those feelings. And that is the most I could ever ask for.

To make the game fullscreen you can press F4. 

There is actually a little bit of history behind the F4 key being the "fullscreen key", if you can believe it. 

That is the key used to fullscreen RPG Maker games (I believe from RPGM2003 onwards but I may be wrong). Specifically in OFF, the game that changed my life when I first played it, seven years or so ago. 

When you first boot up any of those games, before the title screen there used to be a big phoenix with "KADOKAWA" below it (the makers of RPG Maker) and a "Press F4 to Fullscreen" in the top right. That screen has been burned into my mind ever since I played those games. To me, that was the "this game is going to be awesome" screen, similar to what for some people the PS1 boot chime is.

Thank you! I really enjoy making in this style! <3

I'm so glad you liked it!! <3

I hope you'll enjoy it! <3

The games that brought me to gamedev, OFF by Mortis Ghost, (original in French), Yume Nikki (original in Japanese) and Bag Of Milk Inside a Bag Of Milk (original in Russian) struck a note with me because of how they build a world of their own, instead of grounding themselves in reality. It does not matter which country you are from or what language you speak: if you like the genre, and what these games communicate, you will feel connected with them, in a way. That is one of the many reasons I love them so much.

What I learned in my (still little) experience in Philosophy is that it does not matter at all to learn what X philosopher thinks or what Y philosopher has written. Sure, that is what you study, but that is not what you (should) learn.

You learn to think. You get the tools to build thoughts and realize how little sense much of the world makes. It is much more of a "scheme" or "attitude" than it is a subject in itself. In fact, there as probably as many "philosophy of..." as you can think of (literature, art, mathematics, language, music, history, grammar, mind, nothingness...)

It is the first time I felt at home in my mind.

You are free to translate the RPGmaker games if you want to! I'll add you on Discord :)


Wow! I never thought my work would be seen from what is for me the other side of the globe!

I might think about a translation in the future, but right now is not the right time for me, unfortunately. I have lots of university exams coming up in September. Also, the translation process will be quite difficult, because of the way dialogue is handled inside the game itself (poor coding (╥﹏╥) ). 

Regardless, I am so happy that you liked my game!! It warms my heart so very much!

Love <3

Thank you so much! <3

I am glad you liked it! 

What language are you talking about regarding the translation?

Thank you so much!!


(2 edits)

Your music is astounding! Ambient, but melodic... It is music that is able to tell a story through its melody and presentation.

Thank you so much! When life will grant me time to work on my projects again, I'll absolutely keep your kindness in mind!

All the love <3

Thank you!

I hope you'll like it! <3

It has been waaaaaaay too long!

Life happened, as it tends to do, but also many failed projects happened. All of them found their way in this game, in a way or another.


Thank you so so much!!

I hope you'll like it!  <3

Thank you so much for giving my little game a chance! I'm glad I was able to make something worthwhile. I hope you will enjoy my future works too!

Love <3

Thank you!! <3

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the dialogues! I loved writing them too <3

Words cannot express my happiness!

Thank you so very much for giving my game a chance, and I am so sorry you had the game close on you! This "first" game was the first I ever published using Godot (the other two I made are in RPG Maker). 

I am absolutely guilty of being a storywriter first and foremost - it's what I've been doing for most of my life now, and I tend to let myself be a bit carried away by the dialogues. Programming was entirely self-taught, that is the reason it tends to be a bit hit-or-miss.

I think you will be quite happy to hear that this game, C:\OVER\MIND and C:\FOR\EVER take place in the same universe - still without a proper conclusion to the overarching story... that is yet to come in a project I've been working on quite a while now (a proper conclusion to my first game, still technically a demo). 

To be quite frank, the idea of making a second ending crossed my mind, but - as you can imagine - time was quite the constraint, so I decided against it, and scrapped it as tidbits of lore. 

You are right about the images - they are photos (cc0 found on the internet or taken by me) that have been posterized, painted on, and generally "mangled" to be what they ought to.

And one last thing, about the voice acting - I am especially glad you liked it, since I am not a native English speaker (as you might have guessed by my name). 

Truly, I am so very happy I was able to make something interesting and worth its time.

Thank you, with all my heart <3

So glad you enjoyed it!

I have much to learn, but it really means the world to me that my little game could take a spot among one's favorites... <3

I hope you will like my other work!

Thank you! <3

Thank you so much! I'm glad I was able to make dialogues interesting! <3

Thank you so very much!!

I am so glad you enjoyed the experience! I can't overstate how much it means to me that you understood the enigmatic nature of the game.

Sometimes, when answers don't come naturally to the questions you are faced with, experiencing the labyrinth of paths as a wonder and not as a prison to escape from can be the best option. That's how I ended up making the games I make.

I hope you will be around when the next projects will see the light of day!


I'm so glad you liked it! <3

I'm so very glad you enjoyed it! <3

Thank you so much for giving my game a chance!

I'm sorry that it was a bit confusing to navigate - if you ever feel like reaching the end there is always the walkthrough I posted along with the game (I do this for all my games. Since they are story-based, I don't want them to be frustrating)

Again, thank you for taking the time to check my game out!

Fixed the typos. 

Thank you for everything :)

Thank you so much for including my game! 

Yes, I know the intro cutscene is a bit too static, nut I could not find fitting footage in time for the jam. 

I must have seen that screen at the beginning a hundred times! I don't know how I missed that!! I'll fix it right away.

(2 edits)


A point-and-click/Visual novel hybrid with surreal and philosophical themes: rebuild your body and your mind while abandoning the person you were to be born anew.

All work is done by me in Godot 4, images done with Affinity photo.

The game is not aiming at horror, however it feature some topics that may be disturbing: surreal images, themes regarding death and loss, transhumanism.

Timezone: UTC +1

Thank you so, so much!

I am so glad you understood the subtle paradoxed and details about the story! I did not have much time to polish it or spellcheck it, since the more "technical" part of this game took far more than it should have (the save system acting up, inventory bugs, etc...).

If there is one thing that Godot really shines when compared with the other engine I have used (RPG Maker) is how you can freely mix elements of UI and the world, and I am glad you liked the mixture of the two.

Now that the jam is over, I'll spellcheck it one last time and try to fix anything I can find.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I am so glad you enjoyed this. <3

Frenetic bingo night!

I really liked the character design. reminds me of the handler from Cruelty squad both in his appearance and the the voice.

I also enjoyed the mixture of 2d artwork and 3d renders: really adds to the uncanny feeling.

A detail I have noticed is that the image used for the item to replenish the ink has white square borders.  Other than that, great vibes!

Nice work!

Fixed it (along with some other minor bugs)! I added the enter key for it to register.

I hope you are still willing to give it a try.