Thanks for the reminder!
Storm's Eye
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Thank you so much! Just wanted to let you know that I used some of your art in my Cloud Empress adventure module: Slipping through the Cracks. I would love to send you a free copy of it if you are interested!
Thanks so much for your response, Watt. I’ve tried all of the advice I’ve found, but so far the only thing that’s working is your copy and paste advice haha. Here’s hoping I’m able to make it through without it getting corrupted again. I suppose if it does, I can just copy and paste again to extend the timer. Thanks again!
Is anyone else running into the issue of the template crashing every time you make an edit? For context, I am on an iPad Air M2. I’ve only done a little bit of the formatting so far, and originally everything was fine. But as of today, any time I try to edit the template at all, I can save the changes, but then if I try to go back to my projects, the program crashes. When I open it back up, it appears as though the changes have been saved, but then when I open the file, they have not.
Feeling a little bit worried because I’m excited for my project and I have a lot to do, but I don’t want this to be a fatal roadblock. I’ve redownloaded the template, and started over, and it’s working for now…
Also, is there any way to get rid of the “missing resources” popup every time I open the template?
So excited for this.
1. I'm Chandler, a writer, storyteller, and now game designer!
2. Fantasy will always hold a special place in my heart. I got my start with DnD, but I've been inspired to make my own games by Wildsea, Numenera, Shadowrun, Blades in the Dark and many others.
3. This is my first time competing in the jam! I have two major ideas I plan to create and submit.
4. My hope is to create games that are fun! I want them to be thematically focused, and full of flavor. If they have some unique and interesting mechanics, that's a bonus. My biggest challenge will be keeping the word count low 😆 and making some decent art to represent the game.