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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey mate , AppLab keys already sent! Enjoy! Again a big sorry for the delay :-)

Hey mate , AppLab keys already sent! Enjoy! Again a big sorry for the delay :-)

there were some complicated issues running late days. I apologize for the delay, please allow me 2 days to fulfill all Applab requests for all of you that being waiting for the redeem keys. 🙏

Please send an email at [email protected]

Hey macca please send an email at [email protected]

Will reply on your email mate! :-)

Sure, email at [email protected] :-)

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LoL Thanks for the support, but really no reason to do this :p

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Sure just email me at [email protected]  . Just make sure to include the email you used on to make the purchase,  so i can quickly validate it. :-)

It's just released, contact me from your email to get you an AppLab key to redeem 🙂

hey mate it's better to send me an email at [email protected] for getting an Applab key. Try not posting your email in public. 🙂

Absolutely Yes

* am proving you with a redeem code on your email as a reply

It's probably then an issue with itch servers, please retry

hey artnik, thank you for the comment! Actually despawn/respawn is already in implemented, just stay in an area and the enemy will come to you eventually

Hi Colectum, please try re-downloading the Apk again, as itch sometimes might interapt the proccess and this could result in corrupted file. Please report back if the issue persists!

Hello Harris, please collaborate on this because am not able to reproduce any freezing of the app on quest 1. Have you tried uninstalling first and do a fresh install? Also please make sure the ApK you download from itch is not corrupted, as itch some times won't completely download the files requested. Hope it helps!

Hey Poletip, glad you like it mate! "Push back" unfortunately is calculated for body, so leaning forward over a small obstacle will active it. For you second request am afraid the answer is the same, because of the game's mechanics, saves can only be done when finishing a chapter. You might want to take it on Easy mode or better check for walkthroughs on YT for the mobile version.  Thank you!  

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*Please Note : Updating to v1.15 from older version will possibly erase prior releases made progress. Moving from v1.15 and forward saved progress will remain intact.

Version 1.16 : To compensate for the loss of your progress for updating to 1.15 or later, you can go to Options/Support and click on ONE TIME CHEAT, this will grant you 30 Level and 100.000 Souls.

Uninstall and install latest version

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Rechecked it, apparently i was mistaken. Pushed the fix for 1.17, it's ready to download mate. Thanks for the feedback! :-)

Keitaro do you have 1.16 installed?

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Hey Keitaro, please install latest version, this bug is fixed. Please Note that in order to update from versions 1.0-1.12 to 1.15+ you need to uninstall previous version( for future updates this wont be an issue), which on this case you will probably loose all saves made. Fortunately on 1.16 if you go in Options there's an option to Unlock All Levels, so you can continue playing from were you left. :-)

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Actually i will begin YT channel for game devs in ue4 probably next month  :-)

It will focus on solo devs starting on ue4, using mostly free tools. Also considering on adding series on how i made each game for each platform! Stay tuned! Join on Discord and i'll let you know when this happens

IMPORTANT : you may have issues updating to latest versions. If so, please 1st uninstall old and then install latest from SideQuest app. You might endup loosing your progress, so to compensate i've added a "Cheat" for version 1.16+, you may find it in Options/UNLOCK ALL. Moving forward from 1.16 you won't have to uninstall again, updates will work as they should. Sorry for any inconvenience :-)

Hey supermariobro09, please uninstall previous versions and install latest to fix this. This might loose your progress

Please join on discord, it seems like a single case

Update 1.11 is available :-)

A hotfix is underway! My mistake mate! check for the 1.11 Update in an hour or so

Teleportation is implemented for Update 1.10 ! Enjoy!

Just to inform that Teleport fuctionality will be implemented on next update, in couple of weeks :-)

Just to inform that Teleport fuctionality will be implemented on next update, in couple of weeks :-)

No worries mate, just be sure to check every corner, you'll never know where it's hidden :-)

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Please keep in mind that EVERY TIME you start a level ALL puzzles/items/gems etc. are random. So in other words nothing is missing, but just this time it's being placed somewhere else   :-)


sure mate!

Hello CaseyRobinson, actually the way whole game is made makes teleportation a bit difficult, but sure score maybe could be removed from teleportation usage, but what about teleporting behind locked doors/rooms ;-) . Will think about it more i guess :-)

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Hey Sparklthecat, glad to hear you like Rest In Pieces! As for the MainMenu "pixelation", this will be fixed soon on next update! For the reload won't be implemented, unleast not for common weapons. If you progress enough and try higher difficulties you will understand that actually you don't have time to make manual reloads but only shoot as fast and accurate as you can :-)  Please join Discord channel to discuss further on shooting behaviour and more :-)

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Hello  mr_reamer , please reinstall the latest version 1.05 from sidequest the storage permission issue is fixed. You will notice that it will ask you for storage permissions if you haven't provided, this can be seen if working correctly within the app on the main screen. Below Options button, you will see a Permissions text, if the box is colored Red it means you haven't given storage permission, if it's green then well.. you are fine :-)

Hello Frensleven, no unfortunately Escape Legacy wasn't approved for publishing for Quest Store. If it was i believe it could be only shared with users owned the Rift version of the app though. 

Hello Glenn! Please update on latest version, Level 3 Lighting issue on paintings is fixed. Will check your findings for level 4 and report back. Thank you for the feedback!