does it have to be using gamplay similar to WYS cuz i was thinking of doing a game based on the story given by the dialogue springs but it would not have the same gameplay is WYS
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yaaaa i escaped very well done p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated
pretty slow for my taste but pretty good p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated
pretty good pls add more p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated
pretty good but i could not find the shipwreck p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated
could see this as a mobile game p.s pls play my game rating are greatly appreciated
pretty good but i only finished the first level because of lag p.s pls play my game rating are greatly appreciated
pretty good but laggy p.s pls play my game rating are greatly appreciated
very well done not too easy not too hard although the fact that you can walk in water in one area but in another area you drown is kinda confusing very well done but it can be a bit confusing p.s pls play my game rating are greatly appreciated
ahhggggg sooo hard but so good i can't get past level 2!
pretty good game but it can kinda feel annoying p.s pls play my game rating are greatly appreciated
pretty good time waster can see it as a mobile game p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated
good game but like superblueyoshi said the most feel kina unfair p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated
prety good but kinda short and simple p.s pls play my game ratings are greatly appreciated