so fucking awesome
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i looooved this! i was just going to do one playthrough and next thing i know, i've played for two hours trying to get all the endings (which, i haven't yet, but i will eventually). i'm really surprised at the amount of depth this game has with unlockable characters and everything, not to mention all of their little typing quirks feeling so true to life. wakaba was my favorite she's so silly...
hi! i am sure there are ways to implement volume sliders, but i didn't for this game and don't really plan on doing so retroactively. at least not anytime soon. the music isn't copyrighted or anything but i know youtube's systems are kind of silly regarding those things. you can really only mute the music entirely or turn the game's volume really low. sorry about this!
Answering your other questions below the cut:
the 'essence of community' is not a physical item-- it will not appear in your inventory. They're just progress flags related to one of the game's endings. So, yes, you can complete Chapter 2's secret quest without having completed Chapter 1's, you just have to figure out how. The guide has hints on the bottom if you want them.
hi! Thank you for enjoying the game. I’ll go into the spoilers below the cut!
After killing Mother, you should be able to pull out the scissors in her chest. There’s only one tile you can interact with to do this, if I remember correctly you need to do it from the top. Afterwards a white door should appear near the top of the room (takes a few seconds for it to show up) and you should be railroaded into the ending from there. If you still aren’t able to trigger it, please let me know!
thanks for playing!
1) yes, it is possible but a bit difficult, though it does not lead to much else other than extra dialogue because it is mostly leftover content from an earlier period in development that i didn't want to scrap. maybe someday i'll patch the game to make it a bit more substantial.
2) also yes! i haven't made a walkthrough for the fourth ending in lieu of keeping some mystery alive, but i leave some hints for it at the very bottom of the official guide page.
i loved this game. the presentation, in all its simplicity, seems like it took a lot of effort to pull off the way you did, and i really enjoy it. the unconventional character sprites are really cool. repeating the same day numerous times, each loop bringing a new understanding to each character and the way they treat the others... lines that seemed innocuous at first suddenly being given new meaning when you see them as someone else... this is a story that makes me want to chew on it. Osthola was my favorite, i think, but i ended up loving all the characters a lot by the end. overall a really great job, i'm excited to see what happens in Phase 2.
i enjoyed this bittersweet little story a lot. the visual direction is pretty simplistic but i think it serves the overall tone really well, not to mention it kept things nice and readable. making some of the lineart animate was a really neat touch, and i loved the little text wobbling effects too. despite not spending much time with them, i can't help but feel for Angel and Addison... the final moments between them were very sweet.
ano1 was one of the main games that inspired me to start making this one, so hearing this makes me especially happy. Thank you for playing!
I do really want to put the OST up for purchase at some point, I just haven't gotten around to it yet because I'd also like to include bonus tracks and things like that-- I also just got preoccupied with life stuff as most developers do. When I get around to it I'll make sure to put an announcement up on this game's devlog. Until then, I do have the base files found in the game thrown on my soundcloud!
such a great visual novel. all of the little flourishes done in regards to the visual presentation immediately had me charmed. it seems simplistic at first but it feels so Purposefully Done at every point. the writing is also great. the first half had already gripped me by being, well, incredibly relatable, but the ways in which the delusional side of things slowly crept up on me has kept me thinking about this story on and off since i played it. great job
this is a very charming little VN! the meticulous ways in which the characters' smallest of quirks are described really resonated with me & endeared me to them. the sudden contemplative tone paired with the flashback scene really pulled me in, too-- i genuinely wasn't expecting that. I'm excited to see what the future holds for Rictus and Icasia :)
I'm glad all the endings feel satisfying to you. I didn't want to correlate "best ending" with "true ending" in this game, so I tried to make them all exhibit different facets of the same core idea. Especially since I know most players will probably only go for one or two of them. Thank you for playing!
thank you! I'm glad you had a good time with it. The fourth ending is intentionally pretty tricky/out of the way, but I recently made a guide page that has a few hints at the very bottom if you'd like to try and find it:
hi, thank you so much for such an in-depth comment! Stuff like this truly makes my day. A lot of the stuff in the game is intentionally up to interpretation, I don't like implying there's a "wrong" way to read things, but I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.
Community’s gift was something that kind of just came together, actually. The scissors as an item came before the siblings existed as characters (I was in the middle of developing Chapter 2 when I had come up with them as the main "reveal", and I think it shows a little bit). I came to really enjoy the scissors as a symbolism of "cutting free" though, and began to lean into it a lot. It's why Mother has such a strong web/thread association to her (as well as the white Interlude areas). That is to say, I didn’t originally put as much thought into it as it might seem. It was kind of a happy accident. i really love this reading of it though.
As for Regret, the compass pointing away from Mother's confrontation is intentional :-) if I remember correctly, the earlier versions of the game didn't have this, so it was partially added as a hint for one of the endings. But I also wanted it to be a way for some of Regret's desires to shine through. They care for Hope even if they're kind of spiteful about it at times, and I thought having that show through the compass would be a fun detail. I'm really pleased someone made that connection!
Thanks again for playing!
I'm glad you are enjoying so far ^^ I put some guidance below, but you're free to ignore if you'd rather figure it out for yourself.
After visiting the ghost house, there's another location you need to go to, to find the other ghost NPC... said location isn't accessible from the start of the chapter though, you have to open it up.
(And, for a more direct answer):
You have to open the red doors directly right of Lorena's house. If I remember correctly it goes something like this
North of the church, interact with the bug and get the drawing, show that drawing to the human artist, take his watering can, give it to the invisible girl who stands next to where the frog was. you can use the item you get from her to open the red doors and progress further.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I love love love how you incorporated so many little details of the game into the piece, the composition is so lovely T_T 💕💕it really feels like you captured every key moment! I love it, thank you so much!!
Thank you for the kind words as well, I'm happy you were able to be inspired by something I made!
thanks for playing! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
(spoilers below)
I don’t know that Regret was inspired by anything in particular…? Maybe there were some characters I was charmed by at the time that I can’t remember now. I think I just really like characters who are a bit mean at first but secretly have a lot of love in their heart. Since family relations are a key theme in the game, their complicated feelings were kind of inspired by some personal experiences as well. The original iteration of them was much nicer but then I decided that was boring, lol
I really enjoyed this game! I was able to find the six main tapes (along with some of the secret ones) and see Ending 1. Something about the lowpoly aesthetics and inherent mystery of the dream world really gripped me. This is a game I am going to ponder the symbolism of for a while. May even poke around again to get the other endings at some point.
I think my only big issue was that after I got the ending, the game asked me if I wanted to reset my progress. I pressed no, but it shut down and my progress was gone anyway ^_^" other than that, everything was very cool and solid. Good job!