I know this is three years late, but in case anyone else sees this and has the same problem: The X and Y coordinates for the script call use the map's X and Y, rather than the screen's (like the pictures use).
Recent community posts
Hi! I've been trying to find my way around this great project but I can't seem to pinpoint where exactly the gamepad controls are handled from. I'm wanting to add in an overhead section with a new player-controlled object that uses a modified version of the skeletal player character in the side-scrolling parts in this engine. Can you help me? Thanks! : )
The game mechanics are pretty solid but relying entirely on dice rolls in combat may put some off (I'm aware you may have fixed some of it in the post jam version). The lighting in the dungeon is very nice! I'm not sure where the theme of duality is, perhaps the tabletop dice rolling inside a dungeon? The sound of the dice rolling was a bit annoying as well. Overall a good start!
I really enjoy the art style, and the music is nice but quiet. I like the Rage vs Calm aspect of the game, and how the more angry you are the more damage you do. I feel like the perspective is a little off and it can be hard to tell where I am standing sometimes. As others have noted, I was able to go into negative HP at one point and the game got stuck there, but I had fun with it! Good job!
I agree with everything that's been said! I found this game on the Alpha Beta Gamer channel on YouTube and haven't been able to stop thinking about it until I was able to get internet again (have been in the middle of moving) and play it myself. For many years I've just loved the unexplainable vibe I get being in places that have this kind of ambience; the lighting, humming and buzzing and sounds of water, and solitude are really incredible. The scare factor is there, but as said, isn't in-your-face or alarming with loud sounds that jolt the player. Keep it up, I'm loving it!
I like it! The card guessing game for combat, as well as being able to bribe enemies and use multiple items gives battles a layer of strategy and choice. I will agree with the one who said maybe you have to press Tab too much, like for picking up items. Also, damage you do to enemies seems to be hard set. I think it may be fun to add a little risk to the mechanic by making guessing lower numbers on the low cards or higher numbers on the high cards pay off more if you turn out to be right, or do double damage if you guess that it'll be a draw. Good game!
Excellent game! Things I love: 6 degrees of movement; Multiple attack modes; Enemy part targeting; Shield/Energy/Health management; Walls you can destroy; Puzzle (I know another comment said it should not have been trial and error though, maybe some kind of hint somewhere?). It can be a bit easy to get lost, but it's a dungeon crawler so maybe that's normal. Overall I really like it!
I made it to floor 3 and the screen flashed red like I'd been hit and it froze. I really enjoy the graphics, especially the lighting and all the purple! I also really like the added strategy and incentive to explore with healing by walking on unexplored tiles. I think more could be made from that idea.
I'm really loving this engine, as I do all of your stuff! I'm learning a lot as I go, taking notes about where various things are controlled from. I just have a few questions:
1. How do you add more placeable objects into the stage editor, like items and decorations? I figure it has something to do with yashow_menu and the variables like misc_item_str that is read in the user events in obj_editoroverlay.
2. What would be the most efficient way of adding gamepad controls? I see where to change the keyboard inputs in get_keys and in the camera objects.
3. Do you plan on adding any documentation down the line to make it a little less confusing to create new models using the simple shapes and paths? Genius method, by the way!
Side note: I'm getting around 50-60 fps consistently on the test level in GM 1.4.9999.
Thank you so much for all your work, in this and many other engines!