Thanks!! I appreciate it ✨
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Hi Lou!! Yeah, the default letter spacing is meant to give a "terminal/prompt" feel, but you can definitely use it with -1 spacing as well!
If you want to increase the width of the "space" itself in C3, you can tweak the Spacing Data: try [[4," "]... instead of [[3," "].
You can contact me on Discord if you need help (I'm somepx there too). Ho notato che il tuo gioco supporta l'italiano, ottimo! 🍕
Hello there! I re-exported the TTF using a different algorithm to mitigate the effects of upscaling. My pixel fonts are (usually) meant to be used at 12pts for 1:1 size, or 24pts for 2:1.
Using different sizes will result in distortions/errors, as pixelart doesn't like to be upscaled at uneven sizes! Here's an example at 24pt.
That sounds huge for a pixel font, but maybe I'm misunderstanding - you can send an email to [email protected] if you want (with more data and possibly a screenshot), I'll see what I can do. 😉
Hello! All my new pixel fonts support Ukrainian and Polish (and Turkish, Hungarian, etc).
You can find them all on my main page (, they're the one on top, with the "windows-like" graphic, "Passage" for example.
I may update this font too eventually! Thanks for your kind words~✨