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A member registered Nov 02, 2022

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The game is great and the updates are cool despite it being having a free version

Keep it up! I came back to play it and I'm so happy to see many bug fixes.

And i have a question, is the feature of being able to save you're while editing the NPC's because I kept swiping with two fingers but it won't just work, if it's been removed can you guys restore it in the later versions?, Or is there a way to save while editing the the NPC's

Holy sheesh the game is growing big! It's been only a year since I was inactive

Good for you devs please keep up the good work!

I haven't played the game but since this got released Ive seen it getting popular, and I feel you my guy, hope for the best that NTR won't get added, but the world is round who knows what will happen.

It's really sad to see this game die and be abondoned by the devs, it has a potential and decent writing story for me

And here I am visiting this while remembering this game and how I enjoyed it

Dead game now, sadly

Ayoooo chilll

Might develop a harem🔥



I have a question is there an exact date or a slightly accurate guess on when will you be able to release the update?

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YES just take you're time you're mentality is needed for this game so enjoy making it!

The dev is currently working on the 0.3 which will take a while but I hope it would get released on some time

Oh I see I see

A "truly ayo wtf" moment but sheesh it's great

I wonder why does it need a key to download on Android?

Shouldn't be here if you're a minor it's gonna be difficult the author might get in trouble 

Glad to see the fandom growing more and more didn't expect it to be so active

One thing bear in mind is to enjoy what ur doing i think most of the fanbase is willing to wait and won't rush you to update the game and i love that about the fanbase

Valid criticism but some thinga may nred to be polished and hope the dev fixes it its just an alone indie dev so pretty much can be refuted with some sheer amount of patient

A fellow indie game enjoyer i see tell me do you played the maeve's academy since it was new as well?

After playing the game it's pretty fun and i enjoyed it to be honest hope you're game will get more popular! 

Also there's this part of me that just goes "i don't wish to be horny anymore i just want to be happy" too much pervy content to what i have been exposed too now i need something to heal my pervy mind lol

Came back after a month of waiting and im pretty happy the fanbase is slowly growing more and more

I mean the generation setting feature is it now available 

Is the generation setting available for free now? It would be cool and would be a big help to customizing the NPCs

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I was really hoping for the new update but i think the game is pretty much dead now

Can't blame them they are only two working on these game 

Im loving this fanbase so far and the devs as well hope this game gets more attention for their hardwork

Hope not

Nice great work this is pretty much i was finding thanks for thr hardwork! 

Is the generation setting available/will be available? For free

Thanks king

Lets gooooooooooooo after months of waiting i shall enjoy thy content

Was the generation setting released for free now?

This game lookslike has an potential

No rush bro take your time quality needs time thanks for your hard work! 

Just a question will this havr an android version? Would be cool but that would be hard to encode

So when will the generation setting will be available for free?

There will be but we have to be patient quality over quantity the developer's said that but trust me it's worth the wait

It lookslike the game is not recieving its update man it will make me sad thpugh the story is so good better than most of story out there hope they dint abondon this

I love this game the developer is doing hes best on deyails on what will happen if you somehow did that and that keep up the good work!

Haven't seen the latest announcement this past 2 months and it hasn't recirved its update for this year hope the developer is doing alright