Why are they even in reworks though? They were pretty perfect already bruh..seems a bit foolish to rework two nearly perfect seasons
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I mean personally,i get your point however well i can see also see how Morgana might have also hold Arthur accountable (which i feel he is in a minor way) as he knowingly accepted the only place of power that could have granted Morgana to take back all that was her,but indeed the action she took to counter that was ultimately a vile with no justification..the same one done to her mother but it was one done by a person broken by injustices done to her..and at that point,i don't think she was thinking from her moral compess but utter desperation and extreme grief even a bit of insanity,in a messed up it is hard not to sympathise with her going to such extreme measures,as she was a child who not only lost her parents but witnessed destruction of all she hold dear
Umm,just out of curiosity is there any news on update of either the patreon or public version of the game?! So far it's been some while and there hasn't been a new update on either..soo yea!? Plus i was wondering is there any set time-limit or dates to these updates or are they random? If so that seems a slightly confusing and inconsistent no offense but i guess that's alright it's a masterpiece of work nonetheless.
Not to seem unappreciative of the work you put in your work and the astounding skill you get it,i can't help but feel a bit impatient..this whole storyline you have created is soo enticing and trust when i say i am not doing empty flattery when i say,you have just created a masterpiece,soo i was wondering if there is going to be a hypothetical date that will announce when the next update arrives,it kinda will clam my excited nerves down a bit as i will know that i will have something to look forward to and be patient for,i am not asking you to provide a clear date,as i know that you are putting your all into it as can be seen from your writing but a hypothetical date..if possible
well tbh i litterly cant define the inner shouting of joy going inside me when i saw there has been an update,although i fell well perhaps ufairly feel a bit disheartend seeing as how small the update seemed or it is just me,but it was still exciting...i hope there was more dioluges for modred converstion with merlin like i hoped that they would have properly interacted at the whole forced marriage thing,i would have abosultely relished saying a few words to him about being a father himself and enjoying the privilage of joy that comes with a family yet stealing that from modred with mere prophices to justify it,on top of it having nerve to show him his pethatic smile,i almost lothe him as much as morgana and i would sooners wipe that smile of his face with a washing broom then giving him the pleasentry and decency of a smile cant we just kill him? like murder was the thing on my mind when modred met him,i saw red lol,your writting is litterly soo enthrilling and captiviating,it just put you in a position where you apply what modred feels to yourself.espacially if you can relate to him some ways all too differntly...its certinaly written expecatinaly well,the writing initself and the chracters in a way all but feel seduactive grasping your intrest at the whole plot and desire to seek retribution for modred,very much soo by trapping merlin into his own viscious web of misrey he declare upon others fate he knows nothing about,just like a whim not even regretful...ehh this almost feel like he did somthing personal to offend me profoundly which i guess is fair since the whole personality of the chracter he plays in modred,arthuer and morgaana life,all but a leech obessive,ifuiated and power hungry perhaps unintentaionlly soo,thinking of him as the justified one in his actions while not realizing what angony he condemns others,almost feel pity and for nimune having a cruel selfish and callous monster for a father maybe even slight guilt for my modreds indiffernce to her but given her close relationship with merlin,it feels hard not to imagine modred either numb or brash towards her.i prefer the numb for my modred as long as i feel unaware wether nimue knows about modred true parentery or not and her fathers path in being the criminal who did modred a wrong that cant be done right by any words,but pain for pain not as vengence but retribution and justice,forgiveness for sake of ownself yet not forgetfulness seeking retrubtion but not letting it take over
Hey there,my apologies for the disturbance however i just replayed Arcadia second born,I haven't been really keeping up with the updates and thought perhaps my hope for a sequal have been crushed lol and as fate had other plans,i just happen to wonder across somthing that seems to be tester sequal to it arcadia:cold lands..i was wondering if there is a fourm you need to fill to acess the demo since it seems the website for demo on itch.io is password encrypted,umm if there is any slight chance I may have the privilege to acess the demo do let me know pretty please..fr i never have been this excited also thank you for the sequal UwU
Can't appercite a masterpiece that's on you,it's your loss but do learn some emphaty..honestly,its alright if doesn't sit well with your preferences but if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all,you could have presented constructive crtisicm but no you have to take a tone that was both bigoted and demaning to both the writer and the community the wanted to create represention for..it wasnt cringe it was represtation and I for one appercited it piss off none likes a queerphobie
Umm hey,firstly thanks for responding and besdies that I really hope that you get better and also feel better in regards to your current health issues,besdies that i appreciate you clarifying everything and whenever the full version is out do know i am getting it no matter what,truly it's a masterpiece deserving to be experienced by everyone,I swear if this masterpiece gets underrated i will kms because the writing and everything it's chefs kiss spectular and this is not just me buttering you up or using empty flattery it truly is and i have not been this excited for a some time..UwU get well soon again and keep slaying and do take care of yourself to not let yours get overworked as i know it can feel pressuring when somthing is soo adored and while it is just don't overwork yourself,take your time caring for yourself and to get it perfection and we all will be waiting patiently being here whenever the next part is out!! Good luck and thanks for granting us the honour of playing this masterpiece..i for one am really excited to meet merlin and spit on his face fr like I wanna choke that old hag of a men to death for all he done to poor modrid,j don't feel as much as hostile to Arthur in comparison to merlin..like i don't wanna hurt Arthur too much just a bit emotionally to make him feel the hurt modrid felt but I wanna torture merlin in every way possible if that makes sense lol..that certainly sounds villionus now
Umm hey,firstly thanks for responding and besdies that I really hope that you get better and also feel better in regards to your current health issues,besdies that i appreciate you clarifying everything and whenever the full version is out do know i am getting it no matter what,truly it's a masterpiece deserving to be experienced by everyone,I swear if this masterpiece gets underrated i will kms because the writing and everything it's chefs kiss spectular and this is not just me buttering you up or using empty flattery it truly is and i have not been this excited for a some time..UwU get well soon again and keep slaying and do take care of yourself to not let yours get overworked as i know it can feel pressuring when somthing is soo adored and while it is just don't overwork yourself,take your time caring for yourself and to get it perfection and we all will be waiting patiently being here whenever the next part is out!! Good luck and thanks for granting us the honour of playing this masterpiece..i for one am really excited to meet merlin and spit on his face fr like I wanna choke that old hag of a men to death for all he done to poor modrid,j don't feel as much as hostile to Arthur in comparison to merlin..like i don't wanna hurt Arthur too much just a bit emotionally to make him feel the hurt modrid felt but I wanna torture merlin in every way possible if that makes sense lol..that certainly sounds villionus now
Umm,hey firstly let me just say that the storyline and everything..the dilouges and queer representation is exquisitely done,although i was wondering if this is a solo work of yours and if that's the case it would make sense it's taking its time to match the perfection of its previous chapters nonless i don't know if i should say this as it's kinda of an unmasked advice but maybe considering you are working on two stories separately as per what your petron says,you should get a ghost writer or ask someone to be a ghost writer for you..it will make it much more easier to tackle workload and also serve perfection to all of us who are patiently a bit too patiently are awaiting the public release of the next chapter? ✨ Also Secondly,hypthecially when the whole storyline is finished..will the full version be released for free or will it have to be purchased, I hope that's not direct but this is a masterpiece and I just wanna have it on my bucket list before hand soo I can get it just in case.
I am rather tiny bit disappointed that there is no option for character customization,that your pronouns,gender is set for you..it feels rather hetronative and just disappointing to its core since I was actually planning of getting the game..nonless I see the potential and the work done on this project yet I hoped that there was option for character customization...