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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nao apenas ele, varios dos grandoes tem dificuldade mesmo. Como voce notou, e' possivel passar, mesmo que bem dificil (todos foram testados um por um), entao eu considero como uma forma de balancear o tanto que ele e' forte :P

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So happy to read that!

I'm DMing a campaign and I really wanted something like that, I love it! Although I still wish to see more aquatic monsters heehee

Also, I don't print stuff very often, how should I print the cards in a way it looks like a real standard deck?

Thank you!
I don't intend to continue development for this one anymore, but the door is open for a sequel, eventually ^^

Unlikely haha

It's an Omegamon evolution! When you get to him, you'll be able to evolve even further now. And congratulations getting every golden disk!

Final stage. Behind a secret wall to the left of the first Hagurumon.

The name isn't the only thing I'm using without their consent here. So I don't think it makes any difference.

Depois desses anos todos nem lembro mais kkkkkk
Tem alguns videos do pessoal jogando e eventualmente destravando todos, da' uma checada depois!

Eu já tive 2, mas ambos acabaram morrendo sem atividade. Talvez um dia eu faça um novo quando tiver um bom pessoal.

Desculpe a resposta demorada, a vida anda meio corrida.

Muito obrigado! E se quiser spoiler de onde pegar a Meicoomon eu te falo, so' pedir.

Eventually I want to make something kinda new with as many characters as possible, but this version of the game here is done. More digimon means more stages, which I don't want to do right now, unfortunately.

Sorry for the late response, life's been messy, but thanks!

- I tried as hard as possible to do that, but I felt fusion evolutions should be the same either way.

- It wasn't a mistake, it was just because of the map. He fits better in that region and Mugendramon fits better the sewers (which I wanted to be right before the factory, the final level). Also, Mugendramon is a recurring villain fusing with Chimeramon to become Millenniumon, so I also wanted to recognize his status.

- It's the first time someone bring that up like that and I totally agree! I just didn't think about that, sorry!

I've also been away, life's been messy.

I can't say for sure right now, but if I eventually do it, it'll be as many as possible.

I'm working on something, but it's gonna be a while before I release it.

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! DORUmon will eventually make his way in, yes. But I have some different plans for it.

Gabumon is on the final stage. And unfortunately no, I won't add babies.

Get their fusion partners on champion level too. For example, you need Wormmon evolved at least to Stingmon if you want to evolve XV-mon into Paildramon.

Brag about it lol

They were added to unlock characters for some people that got softlocked on an older version. There are no actual game breaking codes.

To dig, just attack dirt blocks (the yelowish ones, not the grayish ones). Most of the characters are inside fake walls. And to defeat the final boss I'd recommend prioritizing ranged attacks, they do more damage. Thanks for playing!

Sorry for the late response, but thank you, I'll watch it later for sure!

Don't worry!

You need to get everyone from the first row to mega level.

Since the game is designed for a wider screen, I'd have to redesign and code the whole interface and camera, essentially make a new port. So right now, this wouldn't be high priority, unfortunately.

Thank you for voicing your needs though, I'll keep this in mind.

I'll be honest, I don't really understand a lot about phones, but yeah, the game's not very optimized for older devices, even windows 32 bits can suffer a bit.

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Thank you so much! Your video was already on my watch later list and I'll definitely watch it.

THank you! I've already seen it and I'll watch the other episodes later. Thanks again!

Thanks for the kind words!

I'll work on it when I have the time haha

But the updates won't take much time, maybe 2 weeks of work, so when I decide to update it, it won't be long after.

Gomamon is in the frozen lake stage, to the left of the Seadramon, underwater, in a secret cave.

And every stage has two golden floppy disks, except the first one (beach) which has only one and the final one (factory) which has four of them.

Are you referring to the golden ones? I can say that there are 20 of them and some of them can be in the arena, but you've already got it in the Adventure, it won't appear on the Arena again.

Muito obrigado, Henry! E pode deixar, já estou trabalhando nisso.

No jogo acho melhor o Merciful Mode, pq os ataques comuns lançam projéteis muito fortes. Mas pessoalmente prefiro Paladin Mode e acho q ele poderia ser mais forte, canonicamente.

Muito obrigado! E boa sorte no último ;)

Tentomon is in the second stage (forest), right after the first Kunemon and below the Goblimon. Get a character that can dig and destroy wooden boxes and dig at the two oddly placed dirt tiles after the Goblimon.

Patamon is in the toy town stage, before Pinocchimon. Right after the first Elecmon, go below the Toy Agumon. You'll also need someone who can dig and melt the metal box.

I'd recommend WarGreymon for both, he can dig and break or melt any box.

I could tell you the stages they're at or what abilities you'll need to find them.

Sí, pero llevará un tiempo.

Use your ranged skills as often as you can, since they deal more damage. And Hit & Run is a good way to avoid too much damage.

Besides that, you can also Restart your adventure and try a new character (from the beginning, keep in mind) that can evolve further than Mega/Ultimate level, so they can deal even more damage.

Thank you so much!

DORUmon will find its way into the game eventually, but it'll take a while. And thanks for playing Alpha Chosen too. If you liked Tyson and his gang, be on the lookout because I have something special for that series in the near future.

Thanks again!

Sim, nos próximos updates pretendo adicionar de outras temporadas do anime a princípio. No futuro quem sabe dos jogos e entre outros.

E quanto à troca, antigamente era possível trocar toda fase, mas isso atrapalhava a curva de dificuldade, já que não são muitas fases, então a intenção é manter a troca só fora de cada modo ou sequência de fases.

Thank you for playing!

And I don't really think the final forms will change, though. I wanted to stick with the official forms before giving them fan evolutions and it so happens that some of them share the same final result officially, like Tailmon and Piyomon.