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Sequentia Soft (Fran Kapilla)

A member registered Oct 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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This game was made into a short film in 2024, which is currently touring film festivals.

Hello. First of all, I appreciate your comments. I'm starting to think that, maybe, it's a problem with your physical gray Spectrum device?

On emulators, the game runs in +2 Gray and +2 Black, also in 128 Toast. And in physical format I don't know anyone else that doesn't work on their Gray spectrum.

I have spoken with Furillo, the developer of the extended engine, and he thinks that there are these options: 

1. Maybe your spectrum has a problem with fast loading of the .tap; 
2. Or that there is a problem with your DIVIDE or similar device;
3. That perhaps there is a problem in the game that affects only the grays' memory. But we couldn't find the fault or more people who have this problem. 

Do you have the possibility of trying other emulators or other physical gray spectrum?

thank you so much!

Ya está arreglado, gracias Toku!! Dale caña al vídeo, ponle comentarios chulos.

Hello, I posted a new version three weeks ago. I think it will be the final version and I think it works but I haven't been able to test it on a GRAY spectrum. 

As I have tested, it works well on a +2 black, +3, FPGA and emulators. Would you be so kind as to try it on your GRAY+2? Let's see if this version is the good one... thank you

Hola amigo Toku, gracias por tu indicación, dime en qué pantalla exacta falla, donde está esa escalera. Lo he probado pero no encuentro la pantalla errónea.

Hello Leandro, write me in telegram or twitter or say me your email, I want to send you the modified game so you can try it on your gray spectrum. If you have time. This way we can know if it is now compatible with all models.

Thank you very much for playing and for your words. I don't know where the fault is for the gray spectrum. But I'm not worried because with a little patience I'm sure I can fix it.. I will try to discover the error and why it only fails on the gray Spectrum (although I only have the black one at home). I'll try to fix it and post a working version for the grays.

Thank you very much for playing and for your words. I'm going to review everything. I will try to discover the error and why it only fails on the gray Spectrum (although I only have the black one at home). I'll try to fix it and post a working version for the grays.

Everything is already corrected. v 1.2.

I've put you and Spirit003 in the in-game acknowledgments.

I hope everything is correct now, but if there are any spelling errors, I ask you to please tell me. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy.

Download this new version 1.2 again

Everything is already corrected. v 1.2.

I've put you and Richard Hallas in the in-game acknowledgments.

I hope everything is correct now, but if there are any spelling errors, I ask you to please tell me. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy.

Download this new version 1.2 again

I'll check it this afternoon. Yes, it is tested, but as I said before, I suspect that in the English version it reaches the memory limit and fails. I will have to delete something from the English version or remove a paragraph to adjust my memory. Thank you very much for playing and letting me know, I will respond to you in a few hours ☺

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your help. Download the file again. Those bugs were fixed on the first day.

Hello Richard, thank you very much for playing and for your comments. They help me a lot. Thanks to you, I have already corrected the two typos. It is important to take care of the language and although my language is Spanish, I really like English, and I also love English history. 

And about the inventory error it is also fixed. There was a memory limit problem, the English version takes up a little more and the game is at its limit. Although I think it's all good, I don't know if it could fail anywhere else. Please let me know, I have uploaded the corrected file. 

Thank you so much!

Hola! Muchas gracias por tu interés, escríbeme (escribirme quien quiera) a [email protected] 


Hola Juanma si que es posible, hablamos en privado por Twitter y me dices tú dirección para el envío?

Thanks! Languages available will be both English and Spanish, so you will be able to choose any of them :D . I'm sure you will love this game!

Yes, it was a little debug trick for me, but it doesn't matter, I'll leave it at that. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! I will share your video ☺️🌠

Muchas gracias! un abrazo y gracias por valorarlo tan bien como me has ido diciendo :) para mi es importante

Ya está corregido, muchas gracias por indicar ese pequeño fallito, era el color de en negro de esa frase. Gracias Franciskirk!

thank you very much for playing.  that is the second bad ending, you must continue playing, on another path until you reach the good and glorious ending. :)

Muchas gracias, 😌 el bug no consigo verlo, no me aparece. Porfa envíame una captura de pantalla a ver cómo se comporta en el Next, por si fuese un problema de compatibilidad con Next o un fallo del juego o que falte alguna frase, gracias!!

Soy yo el que te da las gracias por crear el MUCHO128K, es una herramienta que da alas a la creatividad, si el de Komppa estaba guay, el tuyo (Furillo) es maravilloso. Por supuesto seguimos en contacto, han sido unos días geniales charlando contigo a cualquier hora. Por cierto, quiero darte una edición física en cassette!

muchas gracias Mery, mi fuerte creo que es lo visual y estético, aún tengo que aprender mejores mecánicas de juego. Tomo nota para el próximo! 😊😊

muchas gracias por tu comentario, el juego está hecho con cariño y buen rollo, y como dices, ambiente retro también. 

Muchas gracias por tus palabras tan agradables, da gusto encontrar jugadores que aprecian este tipo de creaciones. 🌠🌠🌠🌠😊

My website is  but  is provisional because it is under construction and I want to change the entire internal structure. My other website is  (my job)

Muchas gracias por tus palabras 😊 es maravilloso encontrar a alguien como tú que sabe apreciar el arte y el trabajo artístico detrás de este juego.

En cuanto a la experiencia en un spectrum real no hay mucho problema porque cuando te matan, aunque sea muy avanzado el juego ya sabes lo que hay que hacer y vuelves al mismo lugar en dos o tres minutos con las opciones correctas. Quizá es más satisfactorio el The TIME MACHINE ya que hay menos posibilidades de morir y en passwords entre niveles. 

Hello thanks!! The game works very well in Spectaculator. After the intro press any letter to start the game (make sure you have Play activated on the emulator cassette).

And if you press i you see the intro again.

Tell me if you can play, if you have little experience with that emulator I will record a short video for you.

Thanks for playing and thanks for your fantastic reviews! It is an important diffusion for those of us who make homebrew. I'll share your video on my website tomorrow! ☺️☺️🌠💯

Final version 1.1 ready! Thanks!

Agradecimientos (están dentro del juego  desde la versión 1.0 , 20 agosto 2023):

A Aryekaix por el testeo exhaustivo para la versión 1.0 final, a Urbatain por la idea del inventario, a RamonMax por los consejos de ritmo, a Jari Komppa (creador del engine), a Juanjo Muñoz (CAAD) y a Briefer por traducir a inglés;   y a Spirit003 y Jade por indicaciones varias.

Muchas gracias 🙂 se ha hecho con mucho cariño.

Actualización, agosto 2023: versión final 1.0 depurada y con correcciones. Ahora es posible jugar hasta el final y los puzzles tienen mayor calidad.

You play very well. Thanks for the video and comments. I'm thinking of doing an update, including an EASY mode also, what do you think?


Hello, thanks for the suggestion. I'm not going to put a demo because I don't have time, a lot of work and it's not really worth it either. I encourage you to trust and buy the game, if you like platformers, you're going to enjoy it a lot and if you're patient and go all the way, you'll see a beautiful ending. Thank you so much!

Thanks :)

you are absolutely right, the world is still a terrible place, we all need to be aware, from every small cultural act like this game to big actions to improve the world.

Muchas gracias, los de aventuras los hago con PAW o el MUCHO y los de plataformas con el AGD :)

Here english version:
