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A member registered Aug 25, 2018

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(1 edit)

The Android download keeps failing, and seems to be around 400 MB larger than every other version... Can you check and make sure that's the right file?

I'm coming back to this game after having been frustrated with the battle controls on Android, but they're still missing a couple of major things.

First, I figure there's probably a key command to exit the movement/target selection in battle, but as I'm on Android and don't have a keyboard plugged in, I can't hit that key. An on-screen Back button would solve this problem.

Secondly, it is very very easy to tap a specific square on the battle grid, but the game registers it as a square next to it instead so you end up spending two energy moving instead of one, or hit an ally when you mean to hit an enemy. Having some option for fine control of the targeting reticule would help. For example, when you select a square to move to, a confirm screen before the party member moves, and on that screen you get a D-pad layout of on-screen buttons to move the reticule one square at a time, and then a Confirm button and a Back button. If you tapped exactly where you meant to the first time, you can just hit Confirm and be done with it. Same for when choosing a target to attack.

If you do take action to fix these issues, I request that you add them to the current public version so we don't have to wait for these gameplay fixes to trickle down the content update pipeline.

Okay, thanks. Any close upcoming plans to build a new demo, or will you be waiting until the game is complete, or will there not be a new one?

Is the demo no longer available on Itch?

Are the multiple endings dependent on your performance in the failable sections, or just on your choices during the story?

Also, I have to admit, I was hoping we could set up a democracy and get Cynthia out of her duties that way, haha.

There's a lot of interesting mechanics here, especially for a visual novel. I've never been disappointed by the fact that being the good guy is the easier route in most games, but seeing a game that is trying to buck that trend is interesting. I do wish the principled option didn't predictably lead to a game over, because that does feel like a missed opportunity to have an alternate campaign where the twins have taken everything over and you lead a resistance. I understand that would be a good amount of work to do, though, so I don't blame you if you just don't want to do that. 

I don't mind seeing the wife character sleeping with other people, and I would like Rowan to be able to sleep with other people as well, but I don't want them doing that without explicit permission from each other to open their relationship, for story immersion/roleplaying purposes. I'd like to have the option to see them give each other that permission very early on, ideally in the opening section of the game before everything kicks off.


Also, the death scene for the elder felt very rushed. It happened and then it was over, and it didn't seem to affect Rowan very much, I mean there's not even an option to discuss it with his wife. It just felt like it should have more impact outside of that one scene.


I don't know how much of this game I actually will play, because I really do not like playing the bad guy in games, but the idea of trying to remain good in a bad situation does sound reasonably compelling, so we'll see.

The amount of work gone into this is very impressive, and the game can definitely eat up a few hours even at this stage. 

But for my own personal ability to satisfy my ethics and enjoy the game, I'd appreciate if you could clear some things up for me (and maybe add the answers to the game in a throwaway line somewhere?): Is Jen bisexual, and would Karen be okay with Jen fucking other people (and especially men)? I'm hoping the canon answers to these questions are yes, because I don't want to be forcing Jen to have sex she doesn't enjoy, and I don't want to have her cheating on her girlfriend. 

I'm also not sure how I feel about the scene at the beginning where Karen is, frankly, being raped. I understand it's there to help the player understand that something more is going on with the villain's abilities, but honestly I'm not sure how well it does that. 

I think the same or better effect could come across with the villain approaching Karen in a cell and asking her questions while she gets eaten out by someone she's in full control of already, as an intimidation tactic, but Karen is never involved. It still gets the message across that the villain can control people, and explains what has happened to Karen, but doesn't involve her getting raped, and I would prefer that to what is currently in the game.

This looked interesting, and I downloaded and played it, but was disappointed to find that there wasn't obvious consent on the part of the girls. Would it be possible in a future update to make it so that girls (and any future partner options) who want to be tentacled stand in front of lockers, maybe with little hearts-with-tentacles over their heads or something, and when you grab them, their mouths go into a smile instead of the surprised "o" that they form now? And when a girl exits a locker, some others who see her and are surprised become interested, getting the tentacle-heart icon? Obviously play around with this idea as you'd like, I'm no game designer, but little touches like this would make the game more enjoyable and fun for me. Thanks!