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What an astounding first game!! This is incredibly stylish, and I think you emulated a noir vibe really well in both presentation and prose. I liked how in both endings the narrator's family is always the driving factor at the forefront of the mind. It's intriguing what remains unspoken about the world at the edges of the story, but the hints we get of it are fascinating :D
That was wonderful and I love the way it looks! It's cool how we're kind of creating the poem with our choices, and I think the last line of each is very fitting for the ideas of "starting" and "ending", which the latter appearing to be a cyclical false utopia while the former engages hard work and resilience :D
Loved that the ending is left ambiguous, open for interpretation as to what "finding yourself" means, allowing anyone to place themself in the not-wife's position :D Also that comment about wincing every time a certain word is use is sooo real--I die inside whenever that happens to me as well. Me and the not-wives... we are the same person
Wow, this is so cool! I really like how it contrasts A Microfiche with natural images and incredibly poetic prose that describes the vibrant physicality of being alive :D I vaguely recall using a viewfinder once, although the memory might be made up in my mind, and I think you really capture the bright, almost vignetted nature of the images
This was made in TWINE? The text animations were used very well in conveying the subtle terror of the inability do much of anything. Something about the not-quite black colour of the background creates a sense of being muffled/trapped. As an aside, I think it would be nice if there was some indication that we won't need to click to advance the story, as I mistakenly thought was the case in some sections :)
That was tough to get to because the entire time I want to tell the narrator they're spiralling into bath thoughts, but reading them... I can understand why they feel this way, how they come to think like this, seeing how a broken mind comes to make these connections when its so focused on what it used to have and what it thinks it lost ;-;
That was incredibly evocative and I feel lacking for words to describe it beyond beautiful and heartbreaking. Your writing is incredibly precise in its meaning, leaving room for interpretation but none for misunderstanding the narrator's feeling amid the heavy atmosphere. My heart goes out to the narrator, both parts of them--the body and the distanced mind
The way this is so damn good! I was so fascinated by the use of Sumerian (I adore Near Eastern history) that I looked up 𒍨, and it can also mean lower body/abdomen... another amazing layer of depth. I loved how jerky and disorienting the narration felt. The way she was looking at the world as items divorced of context and things that catch her eye rather than a scene really added to the cold atmosphere of the whole game, made even more chilling by the description of that room and the sombre ending~
Oh that was really pretty and sombre--it feels almost as if the character is floating through the world, especially after that loss. I like how there's the sense that this could be an entirely different place, not just in what we remember, but quite literally not same location--there's no clear answer because that's what leaving does to your memories
That was stunning! The descriptions of the woman were so ethereal, almost as if she was more a dream (or nightmare) than material. Even though it wasn't a horror story, per se, the endings inspired a bit of cold terror in how haunting they were beneath the beauty of your words. Also, damn, I love women <3
Both rewarding and educational! Despite seeing how many times I failed, I was encouraged to play again and make all the designs. Because the MC didn't want to give up, the repetition became enjoyable as there was always something at the end whether it be failure (and another opportunity) or a finished piece :D