Where's the cocaine?
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If you make your FLP public that means you probably will have to limit which VST plugins you use. You're putting a major handicap on yourself if you're restricted to free plugins. Better yet you could make videos of the whole creative process for youtube. That could be a lot of fun! Personally I think I'm going to use all the tools I have available if I decide to enter.
Clicking on the powerups that "fall" out of enemies is tricky. Could use a "Buy 10" button. I've gotten pretty far into the game, let it run over night and don't see any kind of prestige system. The reward for spending billions of dollars on upgrades is just 500k. Doesn't seem right. Nothing left to do but try to achieve goals, but no big upgrades left to help me do it. Pretty fun game overall. The music sounds very familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Slowest idle game I've ever played, and yet villagers age at an obscene rate. It takes years of a person's lifespan to complete a tiny structure. Food gathering is horribly slow, so slow nearly everyone gathering food constantly can't even sustain the settlement. If both of your children are the same gender, it screws your entire game since by the time you can get more villagers, everyone is too old to breed. A 17 year old "child" refuses to work, so they will help the village starve and stagnate while they do nothing.
There's no reason to try out different things, because you have to wait an entire day of real life just to experiment. Please, at least allow for faster speed options for people that don't want the painful slow experience. This reminds me of that horror movie where people age an entire lifetime in 24 hours, but not in a fun way.
It's unclear which buildings you need to make to increase your max population, since there's a tent, a shelter, and cabins. Of course buildings are slow you won't notice any progress on anything without waiting hours of real life, so you've wasted yet another entire playthrough where your village is screwed.
I really like the concept of this game but the balance issues and lack of feedback unfortunately make it unplayable for me.
Download Windows.net (I think you need the x86 version) from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0/runtime?cid=getdotnetcore...
Then run app.exe normally. It will launch its own little command prompt window. I think this game is inspired by Bitburner.
So I've been playing a bit, and want to comment on a few things.
The game seems to focus on a simplified Unix command prompt. It's not as robust as DOS. You have to type just the command with a dash in front and then press enter. Then you have to type out the name of what you want, spelled correctly, and case sensitive (without the dash). It took me a bit to figure this out. For example, type "-buy" then enter, then type out what you want to buy. I guess it's okay if you're learning how to type and want to practice accuracy. As far as money goes, I don't see any way to earn it besides buying and running the first shop upgrade. You can run multiple instances of a program, but I'm not sure if that speeds up income either. I think it does. You can use the up arrow rather than type out the program name each time, but it does still become rather tedious. Bitburner let you specify how many instances of a program to run. I don't think you can do that. This game would be alright if some quality of life features were added. Also I don't see any way to upgrade from a single core, or what the limitation is, maybe something you can do later in the game?
Somehow automation got left on before I went AFK. Dunno if that was a bug or my fault. I did get a game breaking bug before the second ritual right after a flux where numbers went negative, eventually creating NaN on all but my last generator. I don't think I can fix it without deleting the save file.
I seem to be stuck. I have a city. I can endorse union reps, school principles, and priests. I can build bars, libraries, and churches. 21k support, 3K/s of leisure, knowledge, and faith. I have all the unlocks (under the Leave city button). However I can't seem to progress at all. I can't start a village, town, or a city. It says I need to build City Center. I have no idea whether the game soft locked me for no fault of my own, or if this is the end of content. I'm missing the last two achievements.