I'm confused, I'm guessing the two big triangles are a man and woman, they have kids, and then one of them dies, but what does this have to do with heterosexuality? I'm pretty sure having kids and dying is pretty universal. I'm like 40% sure this is satire, but with the amount of things I've seen on the internet I'm having trouble coming to a conclusion.
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Honestly, it's a lovely idea but the execution is lacking. There are way too many stickers to cycle through, there's no indication that you need to click the rats up top, and the only way to upgrade requires you to get the right sticker. I'd suggest that instead of making the sticker increase in price every time you click it, maybe make it every 5 times, or add a shop where you can buy stickers at different prices, and adding multiple orders would be very beneficial especially at the beginning of the game.
Eating bars, an upgrade that you can buy to make the bar extend slightly outwards and act as a table
Increase tavern size upgrade, start with a smaller tavern
Some people will start fights, kick them out yourself, hire a bouncer or buy a fight pit
More food, whisky, mutton, breadsticks, water
More classes and races, cleric, bard, rogue, orc, goblin, ghost
More furniture, bar stool, menu, painting, long table (Takes up two squares), cloth chair to match cloth table
Prince/Princess, appears five days before the king with regular customers, will judge you on how well you serve them and others, fail and the king will not appear until the prince/princess returns and finds your tavern acceptable