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not to give you new things to learn which might be even more work, but I'd personally recommend looking at RealtimeCSG for level design, any time you're working in Unity it's a blessing to have a workflow that doesn't involve herding vertices (like with blender/probuilder): https://github.com/LogicalError/Realtime-CSG-for-unity
good luck regardless :)
Also as far as things to draw goes, https://twitter.com/Pixel_Dailies is a favourite of mine, gives you a new theme every day and you can always go look around at what people are posting/drawing, and you get an excuse to draw something, no need to commit to doing it every day or even to submit your work but the inspiration is pretty nice already :)
Plus it constrains you away from spending forever on things: https://bp.io/pd
Hmm, I wouldn't say I have any very specific tutorial series or anything to follow (my path forward has been very haphazard), but for general tips in how to deal with animation and pixel art as a whole, this collection of little tips and tricks is fantastic and gives you a little bit of a jump start, saint11's stuf was pretty great: https://saint11.org/blog/pixel-art-tutorials/
If this looks slightly confused, it's because I'm trying to play against myself.. it's a bit hard, it's an old local 1-4 player game that I started a while back but never truly finished (needs some fleshing out with new powerup types and balancing and bugfixing, sounds, etc) as well as writing an AI so you can play it even without a friend on the same keyboard :)
Hope to make the final bit of progress this month and finally publish it so people can play it! :D
It's being made in LÖVE. (will be tweeting about dev here every day hopefully: @_profan)
You might want to go check out the rooftop at the school if you haven't been there yet, the skip is generally just if you want to see what's there at first (at the end, but in hindsight the skip might have been a slightly poor idea), but playing through all of it the skip isn't necessary (if you hit all the events, you get to the evening still).
(also it's unclear, but you can't enter your own house again after you leave right now, I should probably clarify that which I will with the next patch ^^)
Lovely to hear you enjoyed it!
Did you get to the other end at last or did it elude you? We realised shortly after finishing it up that the game doesn't guide you much at all to understanding exactly what's necessary to get there, so most if not everyone who jumps in the first time has the same experience of running headfirst into the wall unfortunately haha :I
Oh no! Another person reported running into a similar bug, under the same circumstances, hope to address it soon, thanks for letting me know! (if you feel up to it and can more precisely describe the exact circumstances, feel free to shoot me an email with a rough repro @ [email protected])
Thanks for playing still! :D
Thanks for playing! :D
I appreciate the bugreport as well, it's hard to squash everything before, even if we try to test a lot it's real easy to get stuck in patterns still (you can actually go faster when leaving an area for the overworld, each click/tap makes you go faster, but you only really find this out by randomly clicking, so it is a bit obtuse indeed)
I quite liked it, even if there was no clear end condition (was there?) With the way the fires went out after a certain amount of time, it was _very easy_ to get lost trying to find your way back to that one fire you forgot to light, some atmospheric music/sounds would have been really nice!
(nice work btw, as a first 3D thing)