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A member registered Mar 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Not sure what you mean? Pregnancy requires some luck and someone willing to deliver the goods.

Thanks :D

Definitely want to work on it more, but I need to figure a lot of things out before I do. Most probably it will require drastic changes, but I wantto keep the spirit the same.

(1 edit)

The third one is to the same person as you can lose it non-consentually, but with consent this time (there is a reluctant and enthusiastic way to get that to happen).

Note that you can reach it without requiring any luck (other than meeting the person in question).

Would have made some kind of an in-game checklist if I had the time xD

Once it is done. Give it a few years probably. I have some other projects to work on first.

Will depend how big it will be in full.

I am currently working on some other more pressing projects while fiddling with the design for this one. You can check the latest devlog on the reasons why this project is stuck right now xD

As soon as it exists xD

The idea was that it's a replayable, roguelike kind of game. A single pregnancy per run is totally valid, since you can get a different one on the next run xD

Though the impact on the decisions regarding pregnancy has not yet been decided. There are more pressing issues to fix first :p

It could be bugs since I don't actually have an iOS device to test it on xD

Anything specific that happens? You are sure you are using the version on the webpage and not the downloaded one? Also, have you tried different web browsers?

I believe in it too :D

But art and writing is the only real work, the code for the game is fairly trivial by comparison (at least after this point). And I don't want to outsource my main artistic output either.

I have some plans on how to resolve things, may have a devlog update in the coming weeks about potential developments, after I test them first.

I wanted to attempt the budget being as low as I can get next, remove ALL the fluff, just get points across. But we will see how far I can hold back xD

I did consider having an encyclopedia of sorts for different terms (even have text as hyperlinks to take you there when they pop up) but I kept it like this since I struggle a lot with the limited color scheme, for text readability especially.

Interesting that mobile fails sometimes... May be that the browser headers takes up more space than I expected, which is not good. May need to look into patching that (though going fullscreen should fix it, but I heard full screen button covers parts of the UI too sometimes, bleh).

Full game will probably not be in a browser anyway, but I should keep it in mind.

Some people prefer their lewd fantasies to be low commitment, and with the replayable nature of these games, it fits in pretty good, even if impact of decisions is lessened.

But I may go for a different set up later, I am not completely set on the way I will need to rewrite things in the future..

Thanks for the feedback :D

I have Roadwarden but haven't gotten to play it, I will need to do so when I have the chance xD

Figuring out how to balance the scope is the next step, for sure.

The first person thing allowed me to have fourth wall breaking with the narration and keep the narrator entertaining without much effort. But yes, her being super graphic with her experiences is part of the type of person she grows to be :p

I had considerations that story can still end up with her like... enslaved for rest of her life and then someone would ask 'Wait, but you are not a slave now?' and she would just shrug and make up some excuse that would reinforce she likes to lie and exaggerate.

But if I continue on, I will probably not use this framework, there is a lot of issues with the past/present/future tenses and the convolutions of her external knowledge regarding situations she wasn't present for.

The exploration of events is definitely a thing I considered for the full game. Already some people are just so lucky they can't fail and complain about it xD

For now there is a cheat to hold ctrl+shift when clicking to accept a roll. That will make it proceed with the opposite result.

I wish to finish this one since I believe in the concept, but I need to sort a few other things out first.

Thanks for your feedback :D

I wanted to make one event with full force to see how full it is. And it sure is full xD

My workflow is nothing special, but having done a lot of stuff now, I know how I could improve things when I get back to it. I also got hit by a lot of artist blocks and had needs to take breaks along with real life stuff.

Next, I want to see how low can I cut the events to reach a good balance of hand crafted control and shorter production time.

Since it is a hentai game, I had planned for making a gallery of sorts, since it's expected xD

I figured you could replay events you completed, along with percentages on how many paths you explored in each one. You could look only at the images too, but I think story is important.

I also considered making a separate unlockable mode where you could set up your own string of events to explore all the options with the set ups you want. Would be more of a puzzle thing where you are working to find the triggers that would make sense for the given events, since the main game run would be randomly arranged.

Even now, in the sample prototype I posted, there is a single 100% path to avoid the conflict entirely, but you would probably need to understand how the events play out in advance.

Glad to hear you believe in me xD

We will see how things will grow once the basics are settled. I do prefer to have a clear guideline set early so later when I need to make a design decision it will be easier to pick.

I already have some support for contextual exceptions, which I had plans to make localized flavor too (like, having regular sex usually doesn't change the main flow based on location, but can sure be flavorful)

Bigger issue is that I want big changes to be more impactful to the story, outside of just flavor. I tried writing some generic events and they were just uninteresting. I realized most of the charm and flavor of these kinds of stories comes from recurring characters, but I cannot use them in these generic events if I want a coherent narrative.

If events were not the whole game, I would opt for these similar events with different flavor approach. However, since they are the main gameplay and reason to play the game, I decided it's a lot more important to keep events more personal, at the cost of keeping locations rigid.

I also attempted single choice events, instead of a few branching choices, and this also hurts the overall experience I am trying to get to.

I didn't mention it in the devlogs before, but I sort of have a few design pillars that I wanna keep intact:

  • Choices should have a strong risk/reward link
  • Risk and reward should be clear to the player when they make the decision
  • Events need to keep the story moving, no backtracking or looping decisions
  • Replaying the game should provide a different, yet coherent story practically every time

Generic events may break the rule #3 if they keep repeating, and they also cannot usually contain #1 or they risk becoming more specific.

The map can enhance #4 and provides another #1 and #2 to the table, but #3 has a risk of failure down the line, and I cannot predict how far it can go so when I scrapped it, it took generic events with it.

Replies to you can be devlog posts themselves xD

But if someone goes down to read comments, they will see it, which works too :p

Thanks for the suggestion :D

I found that having limitations gets my creative juices flowing and would make my designs more consistent. I definitely considered making modern stuff by just having some convenient source that provides the effect, like some animal juice that makes your clothes waterproof, for example.

This rabbit hole of this process led me to reconsider some of the social norms that would be present in the world. Scarcity and availability of certain materials can lead to different priorities for a lot of people. Clothes may be disposable and some tools we find to be basic can be very valuable. Some dangerous things may be made at home so may warrant a ban, and then use of them may become taboo and lead to different perception from people.

Also the fact our girl is a country girl and is oblivious to the workings of the wider world would help a lot to get her into fun situations, but she would also have knowledge that city folk may lack due to their ease of access to certain items and services.

Glad to hear it :D

There will be bigger projects in the future, but may not be Tank-o, unless it gets popular suddenly :p

Interestingly... issue only happens on windows.

The issue is that you maybe press the left thumbstick down while going diagonally, which should show the map... but opens menu instead. Works fine on linux.

Also, on windows, doesn't show the buttons to press when gamepad is inserted, while it works on linux, again...

So many people missed that part xD

Need to look into that.

Thanks xD

Sailing is easy. Packing for the trip is the hard part ,:p

Definitely has potential if I gave a it a lot more polish xD

Glad you liked it :D

I tried but never manages to get that fast to break the floor so haven't seen that :O

Should be an easy fix, thanks for the heads up.

Interesting bugs. Gonna need to check em out. And here I thought I tested things enough by now xD

I have a lot of projects on my plate so I am not interested at the moment xD

Fascinating... I will try ask around and see if there is anything I can do. Thanks.

Glad you enjoyed it and that the ending had a similar impact :D

Cave story was definitely among inspirations. Would probably get even more cave story like had I continued working on it, from the plans I had.

The slide that happens randomly is a glitch. I didn't look too hard into removing it since it can mostly helps the player instead of causing problems, so seems like a plus to me :p

Even if you try the steps outlined in the linked youtube video? If it doesn't work, then that's a big issue with Godot to not support all newer macs :<

Thank you :D
Hope to put more fun stuff together soon.

Yeah, just updated the game to prevent that practically after you played it, I think :D

Sorted. For some reason it was set that thinking about any raft components would get you a free raft xD

 That is quite a bug indeed xD

Gonna need to fix that, thanks for the report.