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A member registered Aug 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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Salut, j'ai acheté un deck et fait une game, c'était grave cool, mais on a plusieurs questions:
-Est-ce que les PV des créatures se reset a chaque nouveau tour  comme dans Magic, ou c'est comme dans Hearthstone ?
-Est-ce qu'une créature peut bloquer plusieurs fois par tour ? Genre si j'ai un affolé, est-ce qu'il peut se faire bloquer une fois par une carte pour sa première attaque, puis une deuxième fois par la même carte ?
-Est-ce que bloquer avec une créature l'engage ?
-C'est quoi un Turbo ? C'est pas dans le lexique, on se demande avec les autres joueurs si c'est pas du jargon pour dire "une grosse taff (de tabac)".

Sinon on se demande aussi si vous avez des conseils sur comment les protéger, on a check et c'est plus gros que des cartes magics donc ça rentre pas dans les protège carte magic.

203 ! j'ai trouvé un bug: J'ai reccomencé une game après ma première try, j'ai eu un seul micro jeu, je l'ai perdu, et ça m'a enlevé 1 PV et directement amené au game over; et (spoil d'un des micro jeux) je trouve que c'est assez difficile de savoir sur quels carrés il faut encore cliquer pour déloger Ciotti, même a ma deuxieme try je pensais avoir tout cassé mais c'est quand même pas passé, sinon très cool

Nice game, I like how you used the theme of the jam.
Some rules weren't obvious at first but after 1 game I understood all of it.

Get good

Le trailer est stylé

Smart gameplay, well balanced and very well polished.

Nice game, graphism are pretty and it's as addicting as the original.

A little rough around the edges but it's a cool little concept and the unit models are funny.

Un bon concept avec un bon level design,  les puzzles sont bien pensés.

Très bon jeu de jam, j'ai adoré les énigmes, la génération procédurale/le suspect random donne une très bonne re-jouabilité. Par contre je trouve le chrono assez injuste, il faudrait que la durée s'ajuste aux épreuves ou qu'au moins il ne tourne pas pendant les dialogues.

Oh ! That's why I wasn't always able to reproduce the effect! Thank you

What does the mirror of trust do ? I still can't figure it out.

There's a bug if you make a new game after a game over: you still have 0 lifes.

Also, is there a way to get past the second hole ?

Bon concept ! J'y ai joué en solo avant de comprendre que c'était un jeu coop et c'était cool.

Un petit jeu sympa. J'aime bien le cri de la souris. J'ai rencontré quelques bugs (policier immortel, endroits ou je reste coincé, passage a 4PV si je récup. un cœur au début) mais avec e thème je sais pas si c'est voulu xD. La poutine était bien intégrée ! Les petites phrases du rats sont sympas, j'aurais aimé en voir plus.

Nice game, well done.

(3 edits)

Est-ce que c'est l'origin story de Jeff Bezos ?
L'intégration du jeu à est très smart, le fait que toute la page devienne une table de casino c'est bien pensé. Dans l'ensemble j'aime bien l'interface, et l'employé-e de casino à un visage absolument hilarant.


Is this Jeff Bezos' origin story ?
The integration between the game and the page is very smart, I like the idea of the whole webpage becoming a casino table. Globally, I like the UI and the casino employee has a funny face.

The game was good, as I'm an AZERTY keyboard user, I couldnt enjoy the typing part all that much, but I still liked the experience and this way of telling a story is really clever. Now, about the story (I encrypted the end of my comment with Cesar 3 to not spoil anyone) vr, iurp zkdw L xqghuvwdqg, Gdulr nloohg "Vrphrqh" dqg Pdvrq, wklv vrphrqh lv wdnlqj frqwuro ri wkh nhberdug dqg lv hasodlqlqj wkdw ghvslwh ehlqj lqqrfhqwhg lq wkh wuldo, Gdulr lv jrlqj wr jhw zkdw kh ghvhuyhv ? Vr, lv wkh pdunhw zkhuh "vrphrqh" grhvqw kdyh d idfh olnh d sodfh lq wkh diwhuolih ru vrphwklqj ?

Un pepene

Un petit jeu très fun !
Le concept est vraiment cool, et utilise bien le thème de la dualité, l'univers est rigolo et les graphismes fort sympathique, c'est rigolo de jouer avec les capacités du bâton.
Le level design et toutes les animations sont vraiment bien pensé et montre toutes les capacités, variés mais cohérent, du bâton.
Malheureusement, le combat est trop fouilli, avec pas mal d’ennemis qui vont passer a travers les murs, le plateforming est aussi assez brouillon, avec des sauts difficiles a controller et un recul du baton couplé a un glissement qui rende la chute fort facile, c'est pour ça que je n'ai pas été au dela du premier arbre inversé.
En bref, le jeu à des bases très solides, et si vous sortez une version post-jam ce serait avec plaisir que j'y jouerais.

A fantastic experience. I played it in one session and was hooked for almost every second of it. I didn't understood everything but the story was good. The atmosphere is brilliant, with this mix of calmness and panic and mystery at the same time. The only puzzle which seemed unfair to me was the (I encrypted the following paragraphe in cesar 3 to avoid spoilers)

elug sxccoh, ehfdxvh L wkrxjkw wkh plggoh sduw zdv zklwh rq wkh uhdo elug. Dqg L sdlqwhg wkh vnb eoxh. L dovr glg lw olnh 10 wlphv ehfdxvh L dozdbv wkrxjkw L kdg lw uljkw exw dw wkh zurqj prphqw, vlqfh brx fdq gr lw dqbwlph gxulqj wkh odvw gdb.

All in all, a great game, which definitely made my night special.

Hello, I think I found a little "bug".

I had just taken the librarian quest of killing 10 Marshmallows, as she was my companion. While in a boss fight, I tried to heal me, but not knowing my potions effects, I tested them all. That's how I drank an hallucination potion. Well, hallucination seems just as tasty as real mobs, the quest was fast to complete. 

Got back to it 'cause I hadn't uploaded the game before going to launch the portal. Great game, geniusly made. Could see the need for subtitles tho, for people not that comfortable with english or with earing problems. It was funny seeing the game "delete" the document Oneshot putted on my computer, a crossover between two geniusly meta games.

Fun game, pretty challenging, and scared the shit out of me at times. But, having to do the "tutorial" each time I relaunch the game is annoying, I havent found out how to properly "quit" the game and just alt+f4 each time, having a "best score" option would be cool, and I've found an "exploit" : I can put the boxes in each corresponding aisle, wihtout packing anything, this way there's not any customer to annoy me, and then I "just" have to go to each aisle to pack it and does'nt have to carry the boxes with me. (I know I've "focused" on the few cons, but overall the game is great, fun, clever and original)

Hello, I'm prototyping a game, and would like to know if it would be okay to you to change small things to the tilesets, like changing the color palette to have a sandy stronghold, or an automn grass theme.

(2 edits)

A really nice concept ! The last level is pretty challenging, took me a while to beat. Overall all the levels are well thought. However, I could really use a "skip tutorial" button as I'm tryharding to unlock the secret ending. (also, I don't know if it's on purpose, but a clear way to see how many times you've died and the limit you have to respect to unlock the secret level would be useful)

EDIT : I did unlocked the bonus level on my second full run, and after a lot of tryharding beated in in an unorthodox way :

The game was challenging, fun and the sounddesign and graphisms were good and created a good melancholic/desert atmosphere. I just found a "bug" : after a while, the music ends and don't loop.

Hello, a Love developper here, can we use libraries ? The engine is very customisable so without library or pre-made code it is pretty time consuming to code collisions or camera.

Nice relaxing game.

Hello, the theme gave me the idea of a game where you have to fill the suitcases of travelers with their belongings, would this fit the theme ?

(1 edit)

I liked it, it was fun and well thought, the time mechanic is very cleverly used, and every thing feel connected, like when the background change according to the time period. Feels a little empty without music though, you could use some copyright free music. I also noticed a little jittering effect when you carry an object, it's a little disturbing.

Finished it in normal mode with 108 deaths. A solid platformer with a challenging level design, great graphisms, and the story while simple still give a special feeling.

A nice good game, with charming graphism and fun gameplay.

Le jeu est magnifique, vraiment, les couleurs sont magnifiques,les environnement sont variés et interessant à parcourir, et le design des personnages est super cool, les upgrades sont tres gratifiants, et on a vraiment un sentiment de puissance, gerer sa vie est interessant.Cependant j'ai remarqué quelques defauts, mais c'est du chipotage :
-Les personnages n'ont aucune description, donc absolument aucun moyen de les choisirs vraiment pour leur gameplay, on clique sur random ou on choisis au charadesign, en fait, je ne sais meme pas si le gameplay et les competence des persos sont differentes.
-Le jeu est parfois difficile a lire, apres, je ne suis pas un grands joueurs de shmup, donc ça doit un peu venir de moi , mais je trouve quand meme que les enemies clignottes trops, ils sont blancs 95% du temps, donc difficile a voir, et le clignottement me perturbe.

Voilà c'est tout ce que j'ai trouvé a redire, j'ai hate de pouvoir le faire en coop.

A simple but fun game, perfect for mobile, I don't know if it was done in purpose, but I love how the main menu look like the Lua logo, reminding which language was used. But I have a weird glitch, once I lose, I can't go back to the menu or replay, none of the buttons respond, I have to completely close the app and restart it.

Hello, are we allowed to reuse code and functions from previous projects ? Or do we have to build it all from scratch ?

Dog Castle community · Created a new topic Camera problem

Hi, I just finished the game, and I think it's great, the graphics are nice, level are interesting and gameplay is solid, but the camera annoyed me,  only 1/5 of the screen show where you are headed, I think it would be easier to play if the camera showed where the player is headed.

My friend (on windows 10) tried to join my game ( I'm on Ubuntu 16.04) and he got the message "Destination unreachable".

Hi, I tried to play in multiplayer , I hosted but my friend was unable to join me, I guess that's because I didn't opened the port, but the game never tell me which port I have to open ?

Fun game, I like the battle system, the graphics and the atmosphere. Dialog are well written. but having to watch the credit and read the dialog again when you die at the boss is very annoying, considering the fact that you can die in 4 seconds against the lord.

A really good game , the map is great , ( spoiler , caesar shift 3 to decode )

wkh hqglqj lv suhwwb iuxvwudwlqj L wulhg wr jhw wkh nhb iru iliwhhq plqxwhv dqg jdyh xs L jxhvv wkdw v wkh srlqw lw'v suhwwb fohyhu grhv lw phdq olih lv phdqlqjohvv ?