To be honest, we wanted the approve / deny mechanic to be much more developed. Like paper's please, or like your game. As it stands, you just have to look for shoplifters and approve or deny as you like. As you discovered, it's a good way to get rid of angry customers. Or you can use it earlier and prevent customers from getting angry. Approve or Deny is just for feels right now. I feel bad when I accidentally approve a shoplifter. But there's no in-game penalty, because "Nothing can go wrong." We're working on an updated version with more extensive "papers please" mechanics on the customer end.
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Really good! Felt a bit weird when I was arresting pretty much everyone. But safety first.
I should also say, this is a nice implementation of the "Papers Please" discriminator mechanic of simulated quality control. I like how you have to actively witness some acts in progress instead of just relying on shirt colours or whatever.
Getting good at this game will require some dedication, so I'll try and come back to this. But here's my initial impressions after making a few explosions.
Amazing concept!
I like the idea that you have to watch workers, to make sure they're assembling correct components, in the correct order. That's a cool feature. Keeping track of faulty items seems challenging. It might be nice to have a way to flag them or remove them.
The initial window appeared very small on my MacBook, but I figured out I could zoom in the web interface, so no problem.
I didn't hear any audio. Some, any, audio would have elevated the game feel immensely.
I'm not sure exactly how to get better at this, so maybe it's more of an e-life sim, where you mostly watch the guys blow up? I'd like a way to throw out bad bombs. Or maybe, like lemmings games, have one guy with a different function (bad bomb disposal).
It's a super interesting project though. I feel like there's something really special here. Lemmings + Factory game = <3
Really good! Very well polished. Nice entry.
Challenging, but fun enough that I want to keep coming back. Losses seemed fair, so there's no ragequitting impulse.
Update: I like that you allow the reset button to be remapped, but I'd like an option to remap the throw button as well. Right click can be challenging on laptop trackpads.
Great art and audio. At the start, the time pressure is a little too high for me, with everything burning frequently. I also found the gun to be very slow, which I guess was by design. (Maybe there are gun upgrades but I didn't get that far.) Otherwise, I like the design and mechanics implementation. It was easy to figure out what I needed to do.