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A member registered Mar 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Has great potential.

AAh, welcome to the future my friend! Perhaps you’re right, but I won’t be updating this game since I don’t use the same framework anymore. But this game is in my todo list.

You can circumvent this bug by typing directly in the url the tag you want, like this:

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When using a customer filter for Game Assets (only in this section happens), the filter doesn’t work.

I don’t know if you can appreciate it in the video, but when i click “filter with car”, nothing happens. It just stays there. I need to use one of the premade filters or google the filter and use the generated url.

It’s working now!!!

Maybe after updating it, something got fixed, dont know.

Quedo muy bueno! Tiene bastante laburo de programacion. Tiene potencial. Me costo y cuesta aun el movimiento del pajaro jaj.


Controls on the browser don’t work.

Muy bueno. Me encanto la mecanica. Tiene potencial.

Incredible. Beautiful. Awesome.

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I think i found a bug. I’ll test it out again later. If it wasn’t for the stone, I would never lose.

Hi! We want to start a comic book in the style of The Walking Dead, but for our game. It will tell the story along with the game, but is intended to be posted on social media.

We want to release one strip per week if possible, and this strips won’t be too long. Between 4-8 frames each. The position is not paid. We will revenue share. We are fully committed to this project and we are a hardworking team.

If you are interested, please contact me on Discord @ Paul#4165

You can check out the demo here: Play Dead Against Us

Ill contact you on Discord. Awesome art. Just what we’re looking for.

Hi! My problem is that my payout page says I need a minimum of $5 to request a payout and I have way more than that in my balance, but it says I have X amount of payments for less than $5. I don’t understand that, how does it work? Is there something wrong?

I’m trying to contact support for several weeks now and didn’t receive a single response!

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I have no idea. That was several years ago. I guess i used Netbeans 8 with JDK 1.8.

If you can’t open it, just look at the source code and copy the code.

I uploaded the editor in another repository:

What about Godot? A shame it’s not on that list. It’s super powerfull and totally free for any kind of project, big or small. I’m baffled.

Add me on Discord Paul#4165.

Un poco nomás :D la gravedad empezó a joder y hubo que actuar rápido :’D

Yes and no :D

I have two projects, one I’m doing the art, so help would be appreciated. The other one, I’m in contact with somebody, but it’s still uncertain. You are most welcome.

Si lo sacas en Steam, te lo wishlisteo de toque! jaj

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Rhomita, te sarpaste. Excelente juego. Mira que yo soy durisimo para engancharme jugando a algo, pero este juego…. fenomenal.

Con el proyecto Patas y este, si los terminas bien, te haces millonario :’D

Excelente las fisicas del robot, super divertidas y super original. Los controles la verdad que no me costaron para nada aprenderlos, muy intuitivos. Los puzzles estan excelentes. Lo bueno de este tipo de juegos es que podes resolverlos como se te plazca y estoy seguro de que los resolvi haciendo trampa siempre que pude :D

Este juego seguilo porque es simplemente fenomenal.

Muy bueno!! Esta muy copado el gameplay, muy divertido. Los graficos me encantaron. Genial!

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Me parecio divertido el gameplay, aunque se vuelve muy facil muy rapido. Buen laburo!

Lo que si, el nombre del juego… al principio crei leer otra cosa, jaj.

Muy bueno! Es entretenido y muy fácil de jugar. No entendi bien como los fósiles secundarios te dan pistas, capaz soy medio lelo jaj. Lo que le faltaria para mi es que te vaya diciendo los fósiles primarios que ya encontraste y asi poder hacer un tracking de tu progreso. Creo que recogi el mismo craneo como 5 veces seguidas y sospecho q el juego no tiene fin.

Muy bueno y felicitaciones :D

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Muy bueno! Para haber sido en 48 hs, esta re bien hecho, todo muy pulido. Muy buenos graficos, la musica esta joya y esta muy bien pensando el juego. +10!!

I can handle a parallel project. Let’s talk.

Great games! Thanks for replying. I’ve already found some guys to help out with the game, but maybe we can make something else.

Can you pixel art?

Hi! I’m Paul from Argentina and I’m a programmer using the Godot game engine. I’m looking for a pixel artist that wants to make small scoped games, like Four Quarters Team.

I particularly have a specific zombie game I would like to finish named Hard Charlie. I have the basic idea for the game and a short GDD in case you’re interested:

I’m open to ideas too.

My Discord if you want to DM me: Paul#4165

Excellent, I really like it. Very well done. One thing I would change is that obstacles are wider than the warning rectangle, so you try to avoid it going very near the edge and you get hit anyway.


​Loved the idea. Makes you think fast and the game is easy to learn without any type of tutorial (which I appreciate since I always skip them).

It could be a great game. Too bad the music was too loud and the sfx too weak and quiet. I hope you turn it into a game in the future with some nice pixel art graphics :D

Congratulations to all involved, it’s great!


Nice work for a compo entry!!! You got so much done in just two days, it’s great. Congrats!

Che, el juego esta muy bueno! Creo que totalmente podes hacer un juego rápido y divertido y sacarle unos mangos. Es tan simple y facil de comenzar a jugarlo que te dan ganas de hacer varias partidas. Felicitaciones!

Si tenes tiempo/ganas: los soldados tuyos no atacan solos a los enemigos. Generalmente se quedan ahi parados y tenes que darles la orden cada dos por tres para que hagan algo. Quiero pasarlo en la dificultad maxima, pero con ese detalle se hace imposible :D

Buggy as hell, but is fun! :D