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A member registered Oct 06, 2020 Β· View creator page β†’

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(1 edit)

Great conversion of the Atari XL/XE original. Our German-language review of the Amiga Version can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:08:26. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Very nice, but extremely hard level pack of this timeless classic that we already presented in our livestream in November 2023. Our German-language review can be found in our video at 05:16:46. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Really cute game with great animations. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:47:23. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Nice, fuzzy fighting game. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 03:19:12. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Nice little game. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 03:14:15. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Very nice and promising shooter with beautiful graphics. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:08:25. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(4 edits)

Very nice preview with promising gameplay that we will definitely keep an eye on. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:00:21. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Nice little game and ball physics. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:29:29. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Nice shooter with a certain Space Invaders feeling. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:24:33. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Very nice and colorful game! Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:14:15. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Here is our Review in detail: This is the sequel to the already very well designed platform game from 2022, but with a different gameplay. It's not about coloring blocks, but about flipping switches and looking for key cards to open exits, which you first have to find. There are also various terminals in most rooms for orientation. The game impresses with its consistently varied level design and extremely good playability, which never lets you get frustrated despite the sometimes very demanding level of difficulty. This is due on the one hand to the fairly tolerant collision detection of the character with the moving enemies, and on the other hand to the newly added practice mode, in which you can practice the second to fourth sections of the ship with an infinite number of lives (which was also possible during normal gameplay in version 1.0 due to a bug, but was quickly fixed). The graphics and animations were created with great attention to detail and everything else is just right technically. A saveable high score and the fact that this game is free again this time is the icing on the cake. If you don't get it here, you're missing out on one of the best and most motivating C64 games of recent years. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

(2 edits)

Awesome game with varied level design and extremely good playability. The graphics and animations were created with great attention to detail and everything else is just right from a technical point of view. The difficulty level is very challenging, but never unfair. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:47:10 and there is a longplay starting at 04:54:55. English subtitles are also available. πŸ™‚

(7 edits)

Very nice game with great graphics and cute animations, even if the gameplay seems a little monotonous after a while. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:35:41. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

Here is our full Review: This is a very nice game with great graphics and cute animations, which looks a bit like a mixture of Dig Dug and Pac Man. The music and sound are also really good. Unfortunately, the gameplay is pretty monotonous in the long run, as it's ultimately just about collecting certain and sometimes difficult to recognize things in a given order in order to open the exit at the end. True to the motto: Crawl from point A to point B after you've searched the whole screen for the right order of items to pick up. In addition, the enemies are sometimes unfairly placed, so that you only have a few pixels or milliseconds to get past them, and that's already in the first level. There would definitely have been more potential here with some fine-tuning.

(2 edits)

Very nice game with great game idea and beautiful graphics. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:16:09. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

Here is our full Review: This is a very nice Action Adventure with great game idea and beautiful graphics. The game idea of being able to collect the enemy's weapon and then use it against him or other enemies is something we have never seen on the C64 before. The graphics are beautiful and have been designed with great attention to detail. The music is also very atmospheric. Unfortunately, there is a lack of variety, as the enemies are always the same and behave very stupidly, as they never move from the spot. There could have been a few more in the form of dragons or other enemies. This makes the game seem a bit monotonous in the long run. Nevertheless, we would definitely recommend buying it due to the unusual game principle. πŸ‘

Ich danke ebenfalls. πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

A small note about a bug in the current version (V 1.1.1) that appears to occur when you select certain language settings, tested with "German". During the game, text parts of the credits remain in the background and therefore appear like a graphical error.

(2 edits)

Nice game with an innovative game concept that we already presented in our livestream in July 2023. The title music is particularly well done. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 03:40:31. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Good evening! Good news: I've just tested the latest version and actually, for the first time, it hasn't crashed. I tested it twice and was able to play through the 5th world without any problems. The only things I noticed compared to the official download version were the jumping red skeletons which seems to be a lot more aggressive (wildly jumping around). Furthermore, the main character's whip is also used simultaneously when using the secondary weapon, which was not the case before. I don't know if that's intentional? The screen also takes significantly longer to load when starting a new game or after level warping (around 2 seconds) because the image is "stuck" for a moment. Otherwise, I haven't noticed anything negative, even though I've only tested the 5th world up to the beginning of the 6th. By the way, the "Scorpion Engine" is still displayed when the game loads. Please let me know if you need further tests and feedback. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Yes, I can understand that and it is sad to know that you have obviously had to go through similar experiences. That's why I admire all the people who are still putting so much effort into it. And of course I don't want to give the impression that I have expectations, I just want to help with testing. If there have been any misunderstandings, I am sorry, because I actually assumed that this was a completed project, as it was announced on Indieretronews, see here:

I wish you the best of luck with the completion and am always happy to help with further bug tests. Just let me know if there is a new version for testing.

(1 edit)

I understand that very well and have great respect for so much programming skill, but in the end I always have to base my overall vote on the finished product that I have at the time of the review during a broadcast. Take your time when looking for and fixing errors and give yourself a few days of rest. As you say, this is a hobby project for a free game and there is absolutely no time pressure, especially since the game is actually already finished. πŸ™‚ Apart from that, even in the boom years of the Amiga there were serious bugs in commercial full-price games that could not be fixed with a patch without starting a costly exchange campaign (e.g. Turrican 1). I am very happy that there are websites and projects like this one where the community can provide active help, not just error tests and suggestions for improvement. Otherwise such great games and our live streams would not be possible in the first place.

Back to the game: Unfortunately nothing has changed with the current update, despite the missing red skeletons. The game crashes again in the first level of the 5th world. πŸ™

(5 edits)

Unfortunately no changes. It still crashes with the same error message. Only the number in the "PC:" line changes after each crash. I have now tested the game in the regular, current download version (LHA) on my real A1200 via a PCMCIA CF adapter and... what can I say? Exactly the same crash at almost the same point in the first level of the 5th world. So it is definitely not a WinUAE problem.

I started the game on my real A1200 with only 2 colors in the Workbench from the CLI and got the same error message as on my WinUAE setting, see here:

Since I actually tend to avoid certain enemies when using trainers and not destroy everything on the screen, it seems that my gaming style has revealed this bug . πŸ˜‰ In any case, I wish you the best of luck in fixing the bug and am happy to be available as a tester again at any time. And I also stand by my word when it comes to the final rating of the game. πŸ™‚

(5 edits)

Thank you very much for the quick update. πŸ™‚ Unfortunately, the problem still occurs with exactly the same error message (tested with the HDF version). Have you really uploaded the new version to Google? Anyway, I used exactly the same configuration and teleported to world 5 with "F5" as before after starting a new game. Then I refreshed my energy with "H". Perhaps there is a problem related to this or with any driver like AHI that is preset in my OS 3.1. (I still can't really believe that it's because of WinUAE, since it supposedly works for you, even with an older version). This evening I will test the game in the regular download version on my real A1200 with Blizzard 1260 (68060 @ 50 MHz, 64 MB RAM), as this is also bothering me, and then complete this text accordingly. I would also like to send you my WinUAE configuration. However, I need your email address for this.

Looks great (Video Preview will follow later). The music was apparently "borrowed" from Turrican 2. πŸ˜‰

(4 edits)

I have just tested the game again as described with the HDF version and only one disk drive, unfortunately with the same result. I also noticed that the game does not run without additional memory of at least 64 KB (Z2 Fast). For the test I had set 1MB, a completely normal configuration for memory extensions at the time. I have attached the corresponding error message here as an image.

I would also like to add that I only played such games with 8 MB Fast RAM usually, just to avoid memory bottlenecks with WHDLoad and HDD games. Of course, the chip RAM was only preset to the usual 2 MB, see the Workbench memory status in our video. As far as compatibility goes, I rely on the statement of "Toni Wilen", the author of WinUAE. For years I have not found an OCS/ECS game or demo that does not run with it, which is why I now assume that it is 100% emulated. The AGA games and demos that I have tested over the last 4-5 years also ran perfectly with it, but of course I couldn't test all releases. However, there are sometimes configurations that do not correspond to the same setting of the computer on which they were programmed. That is why I am happy to offer to provide you with the configuration I use. πŸ™‚

I have now manually edited the subtitles of the video, as there were apparently legal problems with one of the songs during the music break in connection with the subtitles. These are now finally available and the automatic translation should also be visible now. πŸ™‚

(5 edits)

I updated the original version from February 20th (at the time of preparation for the broadcast) to the latest version during the livestream after two failed attempts. Funnily enough, the version was updated during our stream, so that the version from the last attempt was only 45 minutes old, see position 04:32:53. Unfortunately, this didn't help and I couldn't use the CD32 version because the trainer didn't work (keys didn't work during the game). I will definitely take another look at the game later and adjust my rating accordingly. It is and remains a damn good and technically very high-quality game. And sometimes a livestream like ours can be very helpful for troubleshooting, as our example shows. It would not be the first time that another update follows  shortly afterwards. πŸ™‚

The game was tested with WinUAE 5.2.0 (not the most recent version, as this apparently contains changes and a few small errors in sound playback). This runs with a realistic, cycle-accurate A1200 standard configuration with HDD, Kickstart 3.1, 2 MB Chip- and 8 MB Fast-RAM without a turbo card in order to simulate the most realistic setting as possible. The color palette under the Workbench (OS 3.1) was set to 256 colors by default, which requires a bit more Chip RAM and there are actually games like "Bunnito's Feast" that need more to start. However, based on previous knowledge, it was not to be expected that the error would also occur during gameplay.

Edit: The bug also occurs in the (now) current version from 26.2., even with the color palette reduced to 2 colors under OS 3.1. To be on the safe side, it was tested again with the current WinUAE 5.3.1, and as expected, there were no differences. I would be happy to send you my WinUAE configuration that causes the problem so that you can troubleshoot it. If you are interested, just send me an email using our contact form:

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback. The automatic subtitles seem to be processing incomplete at the moment. This is strange because it has been quicker for other videos. Maybe just check again in a few hours to see if subtitles are available. And Yes, I really like the game. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Technically very clean, but extremely hard game. There should definitely be more customization and a selectable difficulty level with a save option. Anything else would be outdated by today's standards. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:57:28. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(6 edits)

Congratulations on finishing the game! πŸ™‚ I tested again the final version, but unfortunately I was not able to complete it as planned, as there seems to be a bug in the 5th world (level 13) that even occurred in the latest version at the time of our livestream. I had to skip the world completely to avoid ending up in the workbench again. This happened with both the WHDLoad and the regular version. You can see the bug in our video below at 04:18:15. There are also some problems in the form of "hanging" inside objects like stairs. Our German-language review starts at 03:47:45. English subtitles are also available.

(3 edits)

Very nice adventure with beautiful graphics, nice soundtrack and great potential (tested with the GBA version). The SCUMM-like engine still needs some improvements, however, such as using logical terms like "Push" in connection with moving things like the doorbell, which currently only works with "Use". Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:00:35. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Nice little but hard game. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:51:29. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Very cool conversion of the console version. However, there are still some bugs and inconsistencies. For example, some songs like those by "Nooly" won't play (Chip RAM problem). The arrangement of the notes is often illogical and if you play wrong, there are sound dropouts on the respective track (you could replace this with a weird "playing wrong sample" as in the original). Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:53:45. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Nice game with some cool ideas and very good soundtrack for its modest size. The graphics are also cute. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:39:43. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Nice platform game with cute graphics. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:30:14. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

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Thanks for the tip! I didn't know that you could shoot in different directions by holding the fire button. πŸ˜„ It makes the game a lot more playable. But it's still difficult in my opinion. I'll give it another try in my next livestream on Saturday. πŸ™‚

That's correct. Unfortunately, Google's automatic translation is not perfect, but it is sufficient to translate at least the basic words. Then there are the background noises and broken sentences that automatic translators have their problems with.

Thank you! I will have a look. 😊 Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to look at each of the many new games that we show in our livestream in detail. Nevertheless, we would like to support the developers without badmouthing their games. That's why we always only give our subjective opinion and are happy to show the games again at a later date, for example after a major update or when a final version is released. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Very nice and promising shooter. We are very excited about the finished game. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 06:24:49. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(1 edit)

Very cool and technically impressive game. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 06:15:47. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚

(2 edits)

Very nice arcade conversion for this limited machine. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 05:42:03. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. πŸ™‚