this was heavier than expected, the writers and the artist did a really good job, I've seen really sad videos and played really sad games, but this one (especially for a short game like it), hits pretty hard, and I like it! A lot! i got 3 of the endings in around 40 minutes (granted, i read pretty quickly, it's a flaw of mine), and i loved them all, can't wait to get the other 3! If you're reading this, just download the game and play it, and, if you don't like it, one save is around 10 to 15 minutes, so it's not like there's anything to lose trying! It's the type of experience only indie devs can deliver, it's simple yet so beautiful, it's like a 40 page book, the type of book that you remember for a long time
The only flaw that i've seen is the fact that i can't listen to a certain radio station for long enough.
P.S. i made an account just to write this review! ( i should actually go to sleep right now)