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A member registered Jul 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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I understand there's a seizure warning, but even as a someone who isn't epileptic nor has a photosensitivity disorder, I feel like the game relies too heavily on flashing light visuals.  It makes the game hard to enjoy when it's physically painful to look at, and doesn't add much to the overall experience.

Go to the top of the page and you should see this banner. Hit Download. The one you want will be the most recently uploaded, and won't have a version date (so for me, it was just "That's not my neighbor.exe"

Go to the top of the page and you should see this banner. Hit Download. The one you want will be the most recently uploaded, and won't have a version date (so for me, it was just "That's not my neighbor.exe")

The creator is aware of this and posted on instagram about it, but for people who don't use instagram (like me), they have acknowledged the issue with Nacha's sprite. Even a human Nacha (like this one in the example iirc) will have her left eyebrow hugging her fringe instead of having a small gap.

My feel when it took me forever to read the letter from Blitheport only to realize how my slowness would impact everything...

A very fun gimmick! Sure there's not a lot of depth to it, and there's no music, but it's very charming in it's commitment to the joke. The sprite art is gorgeous, and the little touches such as the fonts used, the witty dialogue, and the way you can freely draw wherever you like adds a lot to it. 

A simple game you'll be done with in minutes, but oozes charm in every detail.

Oh, that's fantastic! Thanks for letting me know, I'll be picking this one up for sure then!

Hi! A youtuber I watch, ManlyBadassHero, played this game and I'm interested - but before I feel sure in buying, is there a way to reduce/remove headbobbing? I don't want to devalue the atmosphere it adds to the game, but missing the key you're trying to press looks frustrating.

When you go to the download page, it only has the 3 downloads that state Not the 3 that don't have any version number at the end (which is the newest version)? If so, that's odd, and I'd try talking to the developer directly if it isn't showing all 6 available downloads on your end.

Please see this post:!

Please see this post:! This post has details on where to go to download the file.

As for rewriting - simply drag the new file(s) into where you have the old file(s), and it should ask if you'd like to replace them (which you should say yes to) :).

Please see this post:!

I don't have a Mac so I can't test it, but I imagine that when you unzip the file it will either have a folder or files in it. Replacing the old files with the new ones should update it, assuming it works the same as updating the Windows .exe.

Please see this post:!

I believe so! There is currently a bug to skip the minigame, but it all depends on if you feel alright using a bug to bypass it. I'll link a video so you can see.

Please see this post:!

Please see this post:! Let me know if it helps, or if there's still an issue.

Please see this post:!

Go to the top of the page and you'll see a banner that says "You own this game" - click the nearby Download button. If you're using windows, download "That's Not My Neighbour.exe" (not version!), and drag it into the folder where your previous version is - windows will ask if you'd like to replace it, say yes. 

I have another comment if you scroll down, it includes pictures which may help.

Go to the top of the page and you'll see a banner that says "You own this game" - click the nearby Download button. If you're using windows, download "That's Not My Neighbour.exe" (not version!), and drag it into the folder where your previous version is - windows will ask if you'd like to replace it, say yes. 

I have another comment if you scroll down, it includes pictures which may help.

If that doesn't work, look through your Itchio library to see if the purchase was actually connected to your account.

Go to the top of the page and you'll see a banner that says "You own this game" - click the nearby Download button. If you're using windows, download "That's Not My Neighbour.exe" (not version!), and drag it into the folder where your previous version is - windows will ask if you'd like to replace it, say yes. 

I have another comment if you scroll down, it includes pictures which may help.

Go to the top of the page and you'll see a banner that says "You own this game" - click the nearby Download button. If you're using windows, download "That's Not My Neighbour.exe" (not version!), and drag it into the folder where your previous version is - windows will ask if you'd like to replace it, say yes. 

I have another comment if you scroll down, it includes pictures which may help.

Hi Cherry, is this appearing when you try to download the game, or when you try to run it? Since you're trying to open the .exe file I assume you're using a Windows computer. Try Right Clicking > Run as administrator. If that doesn't work, I recommend searching for issues around Windows not opening .exe files.

Go to the top of the page and you'll see a banner that says "You own this game" - click the nearby Download button. If you're using windows, download "That's Not My Neighbour.exe" (not version!), and drag it into the folder where your previous version is - windows will ask if you'd like to replace it, say yes.

I have another comment if you scroll down, it includes pictures which may help.

A lot of people seem confused on how to download and install the new update. Here's two methods.


1. Go to the top of the "That's Not My Neighbour" page. There should be a banner that says "You own this game", and underneath that title there'll be a download button. Here's an image of the banner I mean:

2. From here you'll have the option to download different versions. If you're using Windows, you'll want to download the .exe file. For Mac, you'll want the .zip. For Linux, you'll want the .x85_64 file. You'll want the one that does not specify a version, as that is the latest one. Any that have a number that is lower than is a previous version.

3. Simply drag the new files into where your old ones were, and replace them. The game should retain all your saved data from the previous versions.


1. When you scroll to the top of the page you'll see an arrow on the very top right. Click on this and it'll bring down a menu. Click "My Library". It'll bring you to this page.

2. Click "Games I own".

3. Scroll until you find "That's Not My Neighbour", and click the red "Download" button under it.

4. As with the previous method, download the latest version that matches your operating system. 

This method is not recommended for anyone who has a large library of games as it'll take a long time to scroll through.

For Mac it'll be the same, just download the .zip file instead of .exe, and you'll have to extract the zip.

Go to the top of the page and you'll see a banner that says "You own this game" - click the nearby Download button. If you're using windows, download "That's Not My Neighbour.exe" (not version!), and drag it into the folder where your previous version is - windows will ask if you'd like to replace it, say yes.

(1 edit)

Feedback time!

I have some mixed feelings about the minigame at the end of a Nightmare run. On one hand it's quite fun, but it's also luck dependent, meaning that there's a good chance you'll lose a flawless run to something that's mostly out of your hands.  It feels pretty crumby when that happens, but I also don't want to see it scrapped as a whole, so I don't know what the good compromise would be in this case.

Speaking of the clown minigame, a friend of mine discovered a bug that lets you skip it:

This next piece of feedback is something I was thinking about at the launch too. It'd be nice if you could compare the doppels you let in to the person they're mimicking (for example, I've lost a few runs due to not noticing if pupils were missing/there when there shouldn't be any, so perhaps in the post-game analysis could include a picture of the normal eyes and the doppelganger's eyes). 

Another idea is a gallery for everyone you can encounter, unlocked as you encounter them, so you can go back and look at the normal residents or doppelgangers whenever you wish.

I still adore this game. I wanted to ask, do you plan to make that "Disk 2"? Or is it meant to be left unfinished?

Took a bit to find/understand the "talk with NPCs" thing, but it felt so cool when I figured it out!

I'll have to check out the sequel - I'm excited to see how you've improved!

Note: I watched AlphaBetaGamer's video on the game, and so I can't speak to how it feels from a gameplay perspective.

Very, very charming little game! I'm a big fan of the art style too. My only critiques would be

- The best ending feels a bit... flat. It feels like you enter that confrontation, and then we're kinda rushed to the end. 

- I'm a bit wary of Greta's "feels like there's another inside me" deal, just because of how demonized DID is. Unless I'm misunderstanding and this isn't meant to be relating to DID, and is more about her having unstable moods (understandable in a Monster Family).

I know that the sexualization of Alesa is a bit hit or miss for people. Personally, I don't mind it. As you've said it's a homage to horror movies which quite often use this (whether it be because sex sells, the fear of being preyed on in our most vulnerable states, etc), and I feel it adds a cheesy feeling to the game (not a bad thing. Silliness and cheese can be wonderful).

Lovely game. I hope your future works go well, and more importantly, I hope you'll recover well.

Very VERY excited for this game! I enjoy what we have so far. A few notes I'd like to give:

1. If you start in the wrong place, it'll softlock you. 

2. The jump height feels somewhat inconsistent? In that first room for example, to grab the A's from the top message, Jimi is just a bit short to get it. But if you jump enough he'll eventually grab them - maybe I'm not good at gauging it, but it doesn't seem to visually correspond to the platform jiggle?

I'm definitely going to donate when I'm available to do so. I hope this project can thrive! <3

I'm sorry to pop in with this issue, but the game isn't loading for me. I've disabled Adblock and everything, but it doesn't seem to help. 

I feel you dude. I got the game in the bundle and fired it up, saw the graphic quality options and I gotta admit I'm kinda uncomfortable. 

If the dev is autistic and poking fun at themself it doesn't come well across text, or if the dev isn't autistic and just making fun of those of us who are then... yikes! 

Thank you so much!! I got the final certificate I needed and got into the unlocked area!

Question is... After all this I still have an extra folding stool, razor, and cheezy bar. Is there anything to do with them? And what's the purpose of the cake in the alley? Do you know? :o

(1 edit)

I must ask, however, if you have any hints/tips how to get the second certificate/plaque? I have 1, 3, 4, and 5, but I'm not sure what to do for that 2nd one.

I have an extra step-stool, cheezi bar, and two extra razors. I don't know if they're used in finding this second plaque? 

(1 edit)

I've been eyeing this game since the demo came out, and I'm lucky to have a friend who bought it for me today. I've been playing it for hours now, and after getting 2 endings and many objects, I'm floored by how wonderful this game is. Thank you for making such a fun and amazing game!

Quite a good game! I love the premise and I think the main character is quite cute. There are some small issues with it, though.

  • Sometimes you can't select things on the paper. 
  • Selecting something on the paper can interact with the backround still.
  • The grammar/spelling is a bit incorrect in some places. (It's quite minor though, nothing that makes the game impossible or anything.)
  • When talking to the frog kid I selected something like "do you have any hobbies?" and the frog thought I asked about money - hit detection may be a little off. 

Other than that, quite good! I'd love to see this become a full game if that's something you're pursuing! Though if I may suggest this - perhaps a way to skip the cutscenes? And if you uploaded a download for it, I'd download it in a hot second!

I was able to pass the first one, but I do have a problem. Because I use a trackpad I can't rotate the camera and try to get all the angles. 

Either way, it's fun and neat <3. 

A big toughy. It's certainly a brain teaser, but I'm lucky to have beaten it on my first try. I'd recommend this game, and I'd love to see even more games like this in the future.