will you be putting your loco up to download? For fs25
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I just got it and while it’s better,it’s just not the same without all the modding ,so I still do mostly large maps with your railroads,trying to build networks almost always unsuccessfully😂 you still plan on releasing another map with a rail network in it still? Been awhile since you mentioned anything about that,just curious
don't know why, but everything that was missing from trck line you laid from the game save....was the high speed crossovers,thats it,when i come across the gapes i just have to put the highspeed crossover left or right, with snapping on it was easy to fix....also what does the highspeed crossover do that the other didn't? i know its bigger i think
so i have all the latest ones, but it seems to be the crosovers on the west side of the map on the way up and after the sell all heading east, its weird im trying to patch it but its tough,but this is sooo awesome and cannot wait for what you think of next....after going through it, its all crossover tracks that are just disappeared
I cannot wait to get these updates!!!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I’m so excited for you to drop the map gonna be epic,hopefully you can continue these or use them in fs25,i was thinking how awesome your new station is,wonder if a modder out there could have people ther and load em in and drop them off at another one for money, like a contract or something for Amtrak 🤪🤷🏽😂😂😂