great game only down side is if you get too many upgrades the game crashes
so around hole 70/80 mark stop taking the upgrades not sure which ones cause the crash but I played to safe and just stopped then
found this game while looking for somthing to pass the time during a flight was really fun got similar score before this but crashed due to too many upgrades around the 300 mark so re did it with much less and got this run
decided to end it after I took first place, and realized i had 7 charms still left (the extra lives) so had to shoot all 38 balls like 7 times but other then that was really fun.
game is pretty rng depended at first but once I realized the block breaker ball was permanent it became a cake walk in the late game and could go on for thousands of hole more, only limit is being able to see your ball with the flag so far out