alright thank you this is very helpful and like you said also really stupid at the same time by them counter dictating them selves.
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thank you for the advise I never knew that patreon was okayed by giants. I’m only trying to make points on why I does not make sense for one person to “sell services” such as a discord but truly sell mods. I understand that I broke the rules. I just was not understand how they can let some people do one thing but not let anyone else do the same. I my opinion if there allowing patreon as a service sale with mod access that needs to be stated in there rules that it’s ok to sell other services (if that what you want to call it) with the mods. I only started doing this because one the rules are almost never followed for this yes I should have not I understand that. (Again not trying justifying it). But those rules have never changed and this has happened for many years now all of the sudden people continue doing it and they want to act in only certain manners or apon certain actions. This is where I would love to talk to giants and say this is unjust. Also if you would happen to have proof of the patreon thing being okayed that would be great.
just saying you even commented a guy for a map that he did the same thing with the map just on a patreon. So this shit don’t make sense to me why you come after one modder and not the other…… idc that you reported me that fine I understand why it is your right to do so. But don’t go and say it’s ok for someone else to do the same thing even if it’s on a patreon they are still doing the same thing no different. The mod is still behind a pay wall which is normally higher priced so they can claim it to be for discord access (which I never understand because it’s a waste of time and a pain to take care of) and ect. Just because people are paying just for a mod or for extras and the mod. YOUR STILL PAYING FOR A MOD. This does not go to you and I know it’s more me arguing to giants about this one but why do the mods modders put on their website allow them to get paid…… if we can’t get money because some sites don’t give money for ad revenue if that’s what you want to call it. Then they shouldn’t be either. They are still making a profit for personal gain if they want… they do have the option. But come on giants……. In all fairness I try to keep the price low and for a short time this is one mod I have taken a while on due to being busy and I do apologize for that. Yes that does not make it right but neither does charging $20-30 for patreon to get discord access and your early access mods ……
that’s a load of **** because this was more frowned apon before. I understand it’s not right but do you see how it doesn’t make sense because some of these people say you’re paying for the membership but really for paying even more than I charge for early access. This is why people moved to itch. There will never be anything setup right however we (modders lay this out still upsets someone). That why I’m going to complete this mod which should be done next week since I have a bit more free time and I’m more than likely stepping away from modding for any public use and be moving to private use modding.
make sure you send in tri state crew and lance modding , division modding, and McLain modding since they all use patreon and do about the same thing. If your gana say the difference is patreon it’s not. I don’t use it because I don’t like to charge a monthly subscription to people when I can’t get a mod out every month because I’m busy and in total it’s normally even cheaper then what they charge.
The only thing I used was his scripts off the gooseneck that was made public a long time ago for a base of no one owns scripts. I even gave him credit because I used some small parts of his public trailer which was a latch mechanism and the doors and I still left him credit.... he has the main credit on it too..... so
mine is completely different from his how about you check your information and get it right. I have made this entire mod and modeled every piece
mine has a way different scale on the dump bed walls so you can't bull shit your way of saying I stole mods because I didn't. And don't say I stole his idea because I started this project first and I took longer because I have a life.