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Nelo Angelo

A member registered Nov 03, 2023 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

will there ever be a ch.1

that's a guy? I thought it was a woman

I wish there was cheat codes

I love it I especially love the lone wolf ending.

love the lorekepper ending and the true ending.

i beat it in 1 minute and 55

i did thorns and I almost got it in the bag and I almost lost won it.

never mind I found it and I love it

i want to do the jam end but I don't know how can someone help me

it is nice

I got the true ending its so good

I love the butterscotch ending and the syrup ending

I figured it out I had to talk and chose that I thought she was an alien and also make a sequel please I want more of Mrs.

how do I get a perfect ending I chose all the perfect options and I'm still not able to get I'm only able to get missing

how do I get 100% do I need to get all the arrows to say sick

looks nice

thanks for the help

How do I progress in the flame hearts mod i can't find jay's sister anywhere?

just leave the knife

love it but it just becomes too easy when ever you get all skills so could you make a path tree for the skills where you can only have one path

i got a question about the mods do mods refresh everyday or when the game updates.

wish it was on browser becuase i don't have enough storage for it

i like the designs

i don't have a f5 key

I can't click the game

I want to see more like this it's really good.

rip fan