Just me or is the website have only a version 0.0.0? I am getting basic ore and smelting and rarely getting the 2nd ore. Not sure what to do or how to progress.
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A bit simplistic and gets repetitive quickly, but I guess that was the goal for the specific jam. The graphics/stylization is great and the upgrades are logical. Completely broken with an autoclicker (started using after breaking 2nd planet, fingers started to hurt). All in all a fun game for a few minutes until it sinks in that there is no "unfolding" features, but again "Micro" jam doesn't seem to imply a big or complex game. Keep up the good work!
Just played this for a decent bit and there are just 2 things that bother me about the current version. 1. No clue how to obtain last Legend (cohabitation one) 2. how do I get a game-over state? Seriously I tried to cause a gameover by taking over villages and got well into negative likeability but game just kept going?
I understand the low fuel killing, I am saying hitting the "esc" key instantly kills you and has caused me to accidentally lose alot of progress. 99% of games have an options menu open when "esc" is hit so when I need to quickly focus on something else (fiance trying to get my attention) I reflexively try to pause whatever I am doing and that killed me multiple times. For "reset" keys it's best to use uncommon keys "k" is usually a good one.
I got a "you are in danger" screen after upgrading material storage, then got a game over after upgrading the food storage... I made sure all my resources are maxed and still got the message's. I know this game is 3 years past it's last update and likely abandoned but just wanted to warn future players.
Not sure when this started in my new game but, I did start a new game on 0.23 and noticed that I somehow have negative energy generation? I have a solar farm on the hottest planet in the starting system, with some CBDs on the middle, and the home planet with ore miners, a couple CBDs, ore storage, research facilities, glass factory, stone crusher, and drone factory (no drones made yet). I upgraded the energy research and it somehow got MORE negative, can't craft anything that requires energy since I am in the negative and gathering energy does bring the total towards 0 (at about -4,000,000). Not sure what is somehow passively consuming energy.
also removed the CBDs on the solar farm and one of the research facilities and the total (-153 per second) did not change.
Cannot even upgrade the solar panels which don't need energy for upgrades?
Was able to rebuild the CBDs about getting back into positive energy and was able to get back in positive energy production. But after upgrading the storage of the solar panels I went -1089 energy per second. Exported the save for developer review.
Started new game and issue happened again, manual collection can outpace the loss but is very inconvenient as at this phase I start to work on passive collection from the CBDs. Please investigate and fix as soon as you can, love this game and want to see it flourish, already recommended it to some of my friends. Best Regards, Nanu.
I payed closer attention and the energy "cost" seems go go up when upgrading solar panels that are covered by a CBD's service area. So CBDs are dangerous for now on this update. Hope these details help locate the bug.
Seems that whenever you build/upgrade a solar panel (no other building types), within the range of a CBD (upgrade might have some affect on how much energy per second is taken but does not seem consistent from my brief testing). So something with the CBD/Solar Panel interactions cost energy per second for some reason.