posso usar para vender no meu jogo na steam
Muriki Game Studio
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Muito bom, cara! Adorei o estilo de arte, simplista mas combina demais com a atmosfera, que é muito legal (bem dark, por sinal). Os puzzles são bem divertidos também, legal o sentimento de “o que eu faço agora? Ah, tem isso pra fazer!”. Eu sugeriria que melhorasse o controle de pulo (parece meio sem resposta às vezes), e que deixasse o controle de movimentação suave (com inércia, acelerando e desacelerando). Sugiro também trocar o ícone do executável do jogo para dar um ar mais sério ao jogo, o Resource Hacker pode te ajudar nisso (veja como fiz em um jogo meu feito no BGE: https://bgempire.itch.io/tedthefrog ). No geral, parabéns mesmo, torço por atualizações!
Hey, Joel in here!
I'll list some impressions about the game, maybe it will help you to improve it. ;)
- The step sound is the most annoying thing in the game. Not the sound itself (which could take a hipass filter, by the way), but the lack of ambient sounds and its volume makes it pretty annoying.
- As already said, the lack of ambient sounds (or music) gives no feel of the character being in a city. Maybe sounds of birds, wind or music would help with this feel.
- The scenery is confusing. It made me go back where I already went several times because I wasn't able to recognize if I already went there. More unique scenery props or a map would help a lot.
- The item spawn rates are pretty unbalanced. I got to an advanced part of the game with almost 30 antidotes, 25 health potions and 0 stamina potions (due to be the most used item and the hardest to drop).
- The idea of stamina potion have potential, but without it the character walks painfully slow, specially when you mix the problem of the confusing scenery and its spawn rate being almost rare.
- The ability to talk with NPCs any number of times would be good.
- Video settings would be a nice addition.
I hope it helps. ;)