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More Teeth, Please

A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is so cool, I wasn’t expecting the turn it took!

Thank you so much! I’m just glad learning all that terminology as a kid came in handy now :P

This is super cool! I might have zoned out a little and played until I almost filled the screen (and then promptly made a mistake and died unu)

Very cool way to make the snake look like it’s growing with each consumed apple!

Love your prose. Thank you for sharing.

Loved this! Oh, to be a very long snake collecting apples from a person on the scene. Also, that ending is awesome!

I squealed at big snake!! So cute!! Also, love the art throughout the game, especially the ~~train~~ giant metal snake screen!

This is lovely and a nice reflective piece! I’m Chinese (and a rat) and it’s always so cool to see games about CNY.

恭喜發財; may you have a prosperous year! But then again, you’ve already published this cool game, and that’s pretty auspicious already! Cheers!

And thank you for playing and for the comment!! <3

Gosh, thank you, this is such a wonderful compliment!

Thank you for your lovely comment! That’s really cool! If you do choose to use the game for your students, I hope it proves useful and interesting for study!

Woooahh this is very cool. I’ve never thought about using bitsy this way!

Gosh, what a lovely, heart-wrenching game. Every single word of this is gorgeously written and made my own fat, queer, disabled body feel so seen. Also, you chose the colours for this wonderfully. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you, I’m glad!

It was Toni’s pleasure!

Thanks, I’m glad you liked it!

Thank you so much!

Toni is filled with surprising depths of snakely wisdom :3 Thank you for playing!

Thanks so much!

Thank you! I’m glad it helped!

Of course you’d like the puns, love :P

Thank you so much! And it really is such a doozy of a piece

This was such a cool thing to play and read and experience! Also I’m sooo thrilled to learn about a funky engine to try out

This is soooo good. I was completely engrossed from start to finish. LOVE the narrative style and the writing and the interactions between Beck and the City. I’m gonna be thinking about this for like a week at least. Maybe a month. Maybe forever honestly

Thank you, I really appreciate that!

Thank you! I like finding subtle ways to incorporate game jam themes :P

I should have commented to let you know how much I love this supplement way sooner! I played the Construct and it was wonderful: the mystery of it all bolstered by others knowing more about you than you do, the potential relationship between binder and construct, the strange fugue of being trapped mixed with the potential coziness of the game’s themes.

I was so inspired by your prompts! It’s such a wonderful thing to read prompts that spark so many ideas and make your writing flow so well. I still remember that the first card I pulled was a 4 of Wands (“You find something your binder left behind”), and that thing was a second unfinished construct. By the end of my game, I had finished the second construct and bound them to me, unwittingly recreating my own situation with this new being. Talking about this reminds me that I wanted to play again as the second construct! I know what I’ll be doing this weekend :3

Though I haven’t played them yet, I like your other playbooks as well; they’re so rich. The regrets of the Pacted and Necromancer are wonderfully evocative. Thank you for your sharing!

Oh gosh I’m so terribly embarrassed that I missed this comment! I hope it’s not awkward that I’m replying literally 10 months later.

I remember seeing your Imposter and thinking that it’s so cool how two people can have similar ideas and still have such unique takes, even when there are similar themes and notes here and there. I love the humour of the Imposter (and I especially like how varied the moods of each of your playbooks are, so there’s something for every vibe I’m in the mood for!)

I loved all of your playbooks. I can’t believe I never commented or rated to let you know, because I still vividly remember my playthrough of your Construct! I’m going to go rectify that now. Thank you for your lovely, lovely comment <3

Oh this is lovely! I really feel the nostalgia. I love the music also. The whole thing comes together very nicely: art, music, writing, vibes

I love this: so simple and works great! Will be using for future worldbuilding endeavours

Love the concept! Very cool, and I’m a sucker for unique takes on old gods like this

Aw, this was nice! I sometimes talk to my cat when I’m struggling through chores and I like to think she’s encouraging me the whole time like this

This was so silly and fun! Also, I’m glad someone else shares my love of library desk lamps

The minimalism makes this all the more harrowing. I’m glad you shared this scrappy fiddle!

Ahhh my heart! And I love the concept of the dog collar narrating, that’s such a cool idea

This is such a cool little VN. The writing with the textured art style plus the score is so atmospheric. I didn’t know what “riparian” meant till now, so thanks for the vocab lesson :P It’s a fitting metaphor; I could really feel the river banks threatening to overflow!

Love the use of grey text. Seconding Ray Leandro–hope you’re doing okay <3

The final line of the Throne of Cobwebs ending made me shiver! So good!

This is gorgeous and devastating. The imagery in your writing is so evocative. And the execution? So well-done! (And I like the effect of the letters drifting around.)

Honestly, this really resonated with me. Maybe it’s ironic, but reading/playing through this made me feel remarkably understood.