It was a free audio from freesound, but the author took it down, unfortunately. I can send you it if you would like.
Monsta Manly
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hey Guys! Sorry for the lack of updates or communication, I am currently working on a new game demo that I plan On dropping before the New Year and don't really have much time between school, sports, and work to work on this atm. Fortunately, after my demo goes live I will be able to use the new knowledge I learned from that game to make a number of comprehensive changes to this game. IK this game is a buggy mess but as previously stated this is the first game I ever made and I made it in 2 weeks while just playing around with unity.
Sure, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] to set something up.
Hey Guys,
Sorry for the lack of communication in the comments and updates. I have received all the bug reports and I'm now hard at work fixing them. I have dropped a new version that fixes some of the basic bugs and a more comprehensive bugfix should drop sometime this week. as I am now officially done with school for the semester, I should have more time to focus on getting this game to the state where It feels more playable and also work on releasing my next game. I also have just purchased a mic and should have my first dev log on making this short game by the end of the week. Thanks for all the downloads, support, donations, follows and interactions and I hope that you guys all continue to support me in my future game dev endeavors.