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A member registered Jun 01, 2023 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

are you alive?

export button works, coppy button don't


cp button not works

00000001 for a lot of resourse


i can't play in browther

will there be female version?


will paid version be free after some time?

Слава Україні


i wanted to reorganise translation sheet, and now i realise that text selection have limit...

6.9 haha funny number




action number 1

of Create Event

for object <undefined>:

JSON parse error

at gml_GlobalScript_control


gml_GlobalScript_control (line -1)

i don`t remember, but if it`s furnase resepie one goes to foel

Look in the respite, it says what block you need

ive had ~5 looses and 1 mistakeless game

what is towelket?

are you alive?

your favorite image in WG game is muscule girl? ok...

I think he said something about doing it, after polishing 0.7.x

I know that there is 2 main choices, that can't be undone - cici quest end and who to move in with, so 1 is there more of thouse questions, and 2 what wariants is "cannon"/"best"/add most amount of content?

10 including first one

Ice-cream is in the park (for me it opened after  finishing fontain)

Was gym bug fixed?

What is the frige?

Where is this?

5 leftover cards is insurance

1 Do you need FF cards, if you already vip, or you can throw them to anyone now?

2 does raygun does something except making rng meet girls bigger for 1 time?

3 can you make that after meeting 25$ per stock, they will start more falling in praise, until they will cost 1$, and start rising? (I sold all my stocks for raygun, but now they can't fall below 21$)

and that's it?, I'm disappointed. (and pity the statue)

Oh, yes, lucky charm, thanks!

Where i can find FF waiters?

I know only about big girl from ShC

I only know about preg like girl in ShC

Здесь не очень много людей знающих руский

(You need to give her 10-20 melons.

There isn't a lot of people speaking russian)

Add Ukrainian language

how to get not apetite ending?

what is 9,12,14 poitons? they don't apear after debug unlock all

how to input codes from DE?

But i don't seen it...