Great, now my head hurts AND I want a pretzel.
Yeray Pérez Vallejo
Creator of
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I'm not sure if I'll manage to do it, but I would love to do a de-make of old WoD's Changeling: the Dreaming. That game was very formative for me as a teen and it's one of the most tone-rich games in the setting, but its rules are often a mess. Maybe I'd try something like a bidimensional Lasers & Feelings but with two axis: Human-Fae and Seelie-Unseelie... Man, that could actually rule. I hope I'll find the time to make it.
I'm glad you like it! I have printed and assembled these templates as they are and I can safely say the lines don't contrast as much once printed, specially when the folds further hide them. I encourage you to give it a try, but let me know if you are not happy with the results and I'll gladly send you a lineless version.
¡Gracias por avisar! La autora se puso en contacto conmigo hace mes y medio para "comprarme" una licencia de uso y acordamos condiciones y precio previamente, así que todo bien :) Muchas gracias de todos modos por venir a avisarme. Me quedo más tranquilo frente a gente que pueda intentar "piratear" el diseño sin permiso.
¿No te deja volver a bajarla? Mientras te guarde que hiciste la compra y el importe que pagaste fuera igual o mayor que los 5€ que cuesta esa versión, deberías tener acceso...
Prueba de nuevo, y si no te sale me mandas un correo a yeray [arroba] carbonara [punto] es indicándome cuándo y con qué correo hiciste la compra, que te busco en el registro de itchio y te paso la plantilla manualmente.
I get your worry. The original files had much thinner lines, but it made them hard to follow (even for me, and I had put them there!), so I stayed on the safe side and made them a bit thicker. They are way less prominent when the card is assembled because they are all valley folds, but let me know if you build one and it's still too glaring and I will email you a version with the original thin lines.